118: A Heavy Heart + Astrology

Jessica explores grief in this episode and shares more Insight into the Sunday Solar Eclipse. This week's horoscope also touches on three Retrogrades—the end of Venus Rx, the current Mercury Rx, and the forthcoming Mars Rx.

243: Self Doubt + Horoscope

A listener wants to know what her chart can tell her about her devastating self-doubt. Lanyadoo directs her toward the parts that know exactly who she is and how much she's worth.

Venus ends its Retrograde, Mars moves into Capricorn, and Mercury Retrogrades back into Pluto's lap in this week's horoscope.

117: Juneteenth Astrology Chart

In this ad-free episode Jessica explores the event chart of Juneteenth.

116: Psychic Hygiene + Astrology

This week's Q&A segment is dedicated to tips on energetic and psychic hygiene. It includes a bathing ritual created by Safiya Randera, a queer BIPOC Spiritual Worker, for BIPOC folx to help release grief and trauma from individual, collective, and ancestral grief and trauma.

Mercury goes Retrograde on the 17th, and we're on the precipice of a Solar Eclipse (Yes, another eclipse!). Strap yourself in for this week's horoscope.

115: Astrology Hot Takes - Neptune!

This week's Astrology Hot Take™ is all about the planet Neptune. What's it mean in your birth chart? By transit? Jessica breaks it down.

114: Ancestral Messages + Astrology

A listener wrote in asking for guidance to help her connect with her ancestors.

Jessica talks about major astrological themes that give some historical context to current events. This week's horoscope features a fair amount of anxiety due to two transits to Neptune.

113: Astrology Hot Takes - Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius!

This week's Astrology Hot Take™ is about the personal and social impact of the Lunar Eclipse at 15° Sagittarius on June 5, 2020.

112: Racism + Astrology

A listener wrote in to ask if racism can be read in the birth chart.

This week's horoscope includes an explosive Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius and an irritating Sun square to Mars. It's some intense astrology for some intense times.

111: Astrology Hot Takes - House Systems!

There are so many house systems! It's confusing to understand what they're about and how to choose what's right for you. On this week's Astrology Hot Takes™ Jessica speaks with Astrology University's Tony Howard, who breaks it all down.

110: How To Face My Face + Astrology

A listener who doesn't like her own face wrote in to ask for advice. Is her romantic life destined for no strings attached? Jessica weighs in.

Mercury moves into Cancer and there's an energizing Mars sextile to Uranus in your horoscope this week!

Get the 411 and register for Jessica's live events on her website: lovelanyadoo.com/events

109: Astrology Hot Takes — Venus Rx + New Moon

This week's Astrology Hot Take™ breaks down the confusing New Moon in Gemini and offers rituals for the Venus Retrograde.

108: Disappointed But Not Surprised + Astrology

This week's Q&A explores how can we heal our traumas in a world that dismisses them.

This week's horoscope features a second hit from the Venus square to Neptune. Use it as an opportunity to have healthy boundaries!

107 - Astrology Hot Takes - Venus & Venus Retrograde

Venus: Who is she? And what is Venus Retrograde? Nibble on this nutritious Astrology Hot Take™ ya hosers.

Get the 411 and register for Jessica's live events on her website: lovelanyadoo.com/events

106 - Connecting with Mom + Astrology

This episode is a follow-up reading with "Tia" from episode 52. Jessica and Tia connect with Tia's mother, now in spirit.

This week Venus goes retrograde, and there's an annoying transit between Mercury and Mars. Come for the astrology, stay for the personal development!

Get the 411 and register for Jessica's live events on her website: lovelanyadoo.com/events

105: Hot Takes — Empty Houses!

Empty houses in the birth chart: you've got them, and Jessica explains them on this week's Astrology Hot Take™!

104: Dating in COVID-19 Times + Astrology

How to date during a global pandemic?! Jessica answers a listener's question about how to navigate a new romance in the days of COVID-19.

This week's horoscope focuses on relationships. Venus goes retrograde next week, but this week it's forming a square to idealistic Neptune. There will also be a Full Moon in transformative Scorpio, just in time to bring unspoken passions and resentments to the surface.

103: Hot Takes – Houses in Astrology!

Learn astrology with Lanyadoo: this week's Astrology Hot Take™ is about the houses in the birth chart!

101: Hot Takes – Aspects + Transits

Listen to this episode to learn what aspects are in astrology—both in the birth chart and by transit!

99: Astrology Hot Take – How To Read A Birth Chart!

Jessica breaks down the general steps of how to read a birth chart on this week's astrology hot take™!

97: Hot Takes – Elements + Qualities of the Zodiac Signs!

Drop in for an astrology hot take™ on the elements and qualities of zodiac signs.