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To mom or not to mom, that's this week's question. Jessica synthesizes the chart of a woman with strong Cancer and fourth house placements. The horoscope section is packed full of intense oppositions, including an emo Full Moon in Pisces.
What are the ethics of reading famous people's charts? Is it wrong to peep in on your crush astrologically? How about studying up on your baby or your co-parent? Jessica explores the ethics of astrology on this week's Astrology Hot Take™.
A listener wrote in to get some help with her first experiment in polyamory. Jessica gives her some simple and effective advice.
In this week's horoscope, get ready for a tug-of-war as Mars and Saturn go toe-to-toe. Happily, there's a bunch of supportive transits later in the week to ease you on your way.
The North and South Nodes: what are they? Jessica offers an introduction to the Nodes and runs through some basics for how they operate in every house and sign.
In this very special listener-question-buffet episode, Jessica tackles questions about an anti-astrology boyfriend, communicating with ancestors, whether the death of a loved one can be predicted in your birth chart, gender transition + astrology, and how many hard natal aspects are too many .
Your horoscope this week includes a New Moon in Leo and a shift in seasons as the Sun and Mercury move into Virgo.
Explore the ADA from an astrological perspective in this week's Astrology Hot Take™!
Vilissa Thompson, founder of Ramp Your Voice!, disability rights consultant, social worker, and writer, joins Jessica on the podcast to talk about the astrological event chart of the ADA ( Americans with Disabilities Act ). The ADA is a civil rights law that came into being in 1990, and it seeks to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities.
Learn from Vilissa Thompson by visiting her website at and get exclusive content on Patreon at
A listener wrote in with an emo moral quandary: is it selfish to bring a child into the world as it is right now?
Your horoscope this week outlines two tumultuous transits, including a Mars square to Pluto that will reoccur two additional times before the end of the year.
Jessica offers her Retrogrades in the birth chart Astrology Hot Take™
A listener with a stellium in Scorpio reached out to ask for advice about how to have hard conversations—both in private and in public.
This week's horoscope includes a Full Moon in Aquarius that forms a T-Square to impulsive Uranus. Expect nervy energy throughout the week.
This week's Astrology Hot Take™ touches on four different aspect configurations — Yods, Stelliums, Grand Trines, and T-Squares (oh my!).
Jessica highlights the need for practicality in the face of a spiritual dilemma in this week's Q&A.
The horoscope includes a great deal of intense energy, with a Mercury square to Mars that's bound to trigger defensiveness.
The Christ Year: what is it, and what does it have to do with the Saturn Return? This week's Astrology Hot Take breaks it down.
Jessica unpacks interceptions in response to a question from a concerned mom, who wrote in asking about her own interceptions and the ones she found in her son's chart.
This week's horoscope includes all you need to know about the very Saturn-y New Moon in Cancer on the 20th.
Jessica explains interceptions—what they mean and how to make sense of them—in this week's Astrology Hot Take™.
A listener fishes for something positive to look forward to, and Jessica delivers in her classic triple Capricorn fashion.
Mercury goes direct this week, but we're still under the influence of the Mercury square to Mars. The Sun forms oppositions to Jupiter and Pluto. Jessica breaks it all down in the horoscope section.
This week's Astrology Hot Take™ is all about the planet Mars—what it's about and how to work with it.
Jessica talks about personal agency in response to a woman who's struggling with whether or not to reconnect with her absentee father.
This week's horoscope features a Mercury Rx and Mars transit that will dog us throughout July.
In this Astrology Hot Take™ Jessica explains why you shouldn't do energy work during an eclipse and gives other advice about what you should be doing. She then takes a deep dive into the July 4th/5th Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn.
Jessica advises an expecting gay dad on his decision to be a stay-at-home parent.
Your horoscope touches on major themes, including Saturn's move back into Capricorn on July 1st and Jupiter meeting Pluto in the sky. There will be some nervy transits to Uranus and an emotional Lunar Eclipse on July 4th.
This is a bite-sized nugget on grounding and centering. It's an excerpt from a larger live conversation between Jessica and Madeline H.D. Brown for the CIIS Public Programs in San Francisco. Listen to the whole thing here: