June 02, 2024
434: Horoscope - A Very Busy Week with a Very Busy New Moon in Gemini
Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.
Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. Let's get into this week's horoscope. But I want to take a moment to just acknowledge the concept of resistance. Now, there's a lot of ways that we use the word "resist" or "resistance," right? There's resistance in a political context, but what I've actually been thinking about is psychological, spiritual, even physiological resistance, the resistance we experience inside of ourselves when we are blocked, when we cannot cope, when we cannot accept what is happening or what has happened.
We experience meaningful resistance inside of ourselves, and that resistance, that Saturnian, Plutonian fist that gets created inside of a human psyche, is essentially a resistance to feeling better. It's a survival mechanism that we experience when we don't want to feel certain feelings, when we don't know how to confront certain realities.
The truth is that trauma—it lives in the body. It's not just in the psyche. It's not just in the spirit. It is in the body. And when we are overwhelmed by things that frighten us, things that challenge us emotionally, whether they are really personal or they are getting activated by what's happening in the world—but when we identify something that overwhelms and frightens us, we tend to step into a state of resistance.
And on an individual—again, like psychological and spiritual/emotional—level, this resistance can motivate us towards shutting down, self-destructive behaviors—externally destructive behaviors; we could start acting out towards and at other people—or it can even motivate us to do really good things, on paper, anyways, maybe to get involved and to try to change things.
But I want to just, again, take a moment to acknowledge that part of you that internally, on whatever level, whether it's conscious or not conscious, is experiencing resistance to accepting what is. It is very fucking hard to accept what is happening in the world. Genocide and our complicity in it—and we are all complicit in the ongoing genocides that are happening in Gaza, in Congo, in Sudan. We are all complicit in the climate crisis. We are all complicit in so many things that we may be deeply and passionately opposed to. And it is fucking hard. It's hard to accept it.
But whether you're dealing with the world or you're dealing with your personal life or you are one of the lucky ones who's got really challenging things happening in your personal life and you are conscious and engaged with the terrible things happening in the world, what happens is your survival mechanisms get activated. Your survival mechanisms are activated. And very few of us—I would say maybe none of us—have well-adjusted survival mechanisms.
Survival mechanisms are kind of by definition reflexive, deeply rooted in our psyche, and a response to trauma. Our survival mechanisms are established in our early developmental experiences. Some of those experiences are very clearly lived, and some of them are inherited; they're in our epigenetics. And when our survival mechanisms are activated, it is incumbent upon us as individuals to sit with those impulses, to sit with those coping mechanisms, to be curious about what they're compelling us to believe, to do, to feel, and whether or not it is healthy, well-adjusted, appropriate for the situation.
In order to do this, we must consciously choose to be emotionally patient and kind and mentally interested and adaptable and open to our own resistance because our survival mechanisms are organized to keep us alive, to help us survive. And if we are going to adapt our survival mechanisms to be more sustainable, more healthy, better adjusted, we're going to have to sit with our own internal resistance to evolving, to feeling vulnerable. And I don't know about you, but I've been feeling pretty fucking vulnerable with everything that's happening in the world.
And within that, I want to just gently remind you that you cannot bully or rush or compel trauma or a trauma response. That's not an effective thing. And so much of what we do is we try to pressure ourselves to change, to evolve, to be better or do better. Sometimes that pressure is healthy and helpful, and a lot of times, that pressure comes from the very systems we wish to disengage from. They come from a drive to evolve without our emotions—in other words, to change because it's a good idea to change instead of because we emotionally are capable of sustaining that evolution, that shift.
In order to heal, in order to evolve, we must practice presence with our own internal resistance, that resistance to feeling pain, that resistance to feeling fear, that resistance to confronting the ways in which we have shitty self-esteem or we have not done what we wanted to do or we are not capable of doing what we want to do—whatever the fuck it is. Our survival mechanisms will often say really mean things to us and make us feel like it's a really good idea to say really mean things to others.
I think it's really important to meet people where they're at, and that includes you, for you to meet you where you're at. If you want to evolve your thinking or your behavior on a topic, if you want to help someone else to change their thinking or behavior on a topic, and you go about that evolution by shaming or blaming that individual, you will find that nothing really changes. Behaviors may change, but nothing really changes because when it comes to human evolution, shame and blame are not sustainable motivators.
If you are seeking to motivate yourself or others through shame and blame, you're essentially poisoning yourself with an overemphasis on those feelings. When we motivate through shame and blame, we are comparing ourselves to our ideas about others. We are harming ourselves and often others.
You have made mistakes. You have struggles. And so has everyone else. And maybe your mistakes are worse than other people's. Maybe they're not as bad as other people's. What actually matters is that you accept where you are now and you accept accountability for the choices and action or inaction that brought you here and that you practice being emotionally present for whatever comes up when you acknowledge those things.
And through the practice of emotional presence, of staying present even with your resistance to whatever you're feeling, whatever you're thinking—that empowers you to actually change, to truly change. It's a slow process. It's one that doesn't show up well on social media. It's not a process that you can be engaged in for clicks or likes or attention or proof to others or yourself that you're evolving. But it's the work. It's the assignment of being a human, and being a human in truly exceptional times.
We are not wired—humans, no animal—we are an animal, right? We're fucking like talky-talky animal, but we are an animal. No animal is wired to be constantly in contact with the world, let alone with a social world, to be constantly taking in data and processing through the thoughts and emotions that it sparks, and then to be in constant contact, again, with the people in your life, the people at work, the people of the world. This isn't normal. This isn't normal.
And there have been many genocides over the course of human history, but none have been served to us with video evidence on our phones all day, every day. This is not something that anyone can process in an easy or healthy way. And in fact, it is actually pretty fucking healthy to feel like shit when things are shitty. And things are shitty, guys. They're shitty.
And so I want to invite you to practice being present with how that feels. I know that's terrible, but leave it to your triple Capricorn astrologer to say, hey, feeling bad is not bad. Feeling bad when things are bad is actually good. It feels bad, but it is actually a healthy response to the realities you find yourself in.
And within that, often, the best that we can do is sit at the feet of our own internal systems that protect us, that help us resist feeling bad, that help us resist losing ourselves. Sitting at the feet of those survival mechanisms can feel like a lack of progress, but if you can stay emotionally present at your own walls, at your own limitations, what starts to happen is you build—really slowly, but you build the emotional, spiritual, and eventually psychological and behavioral resources within yourself to engage with that wall, with those survival mechanisms, whatever it is, in new and better-adjusted ways.
Within patriarchal systems, we are not meant to process our emotions, to evolve emotionally. We are meant to point and say, "You're right; you're wrong. The right person, keep going. The wrong person—I'm going to punish you for being wrong." If we are wanting to evolve outside of patriarchal systems, we must cultivate the emotional chops to do it. We must allow people to make mistakes and to evolve and not shame them for having once made those mistakes. Punishment and blame—hey, you know what? It has its value. I am not patently against all punishment and blame.
But we as a collective are struggling because each of us as individuals are struggling. When you cultivate greater emotional chops and self-care, it actually becomes easier to extend empathy and patience and care to others, other individuals and the collective. And that's what changes the world. It's not the only thing. To change the world, we need a lot of different people doing a lot of different things with a lot of different ideas. Your idea is not the only idea. My idea is not the only idea. Even if we have radically different ideas, we may both have essential ideas for changing the world.
Difference is not a threat inherently. And I think when we are all in our survival mechanisms, we are in a state of a clenched fist of resistance. And that can inhibit us from being open to ideas that are different and just not a match because everything feels like a threat when you're in your survival mechanisms. That's the whole point of survival mechanisms.
And so—I don't know—I hope that this inspires a little bit of inquiry and adaptability and hopefully empathy and care for yourself and for others, whether it's people in your immediate life or people that you have parasocial relationships with—whatever it may be. I myself am fucking tired. I'm not going to lie. I'm tired. My heart hurts for the world, and it's hard to know where to put all the grief, where to put all the rage, where to put all the shock. Where do you put all those feelings? Where do they get stuffed?
Sometimes the best you can do is sit down and be in your feelings. And I want to just say to you, my sweet, beloved nerds, if that's all you can do today, hey, man, do what you can do. In order to emotionally evolve, we need to be with those feelings that feel like we'll never evolve past them. We need to choose to stay present with them. That's how healing works. It's not linear. We can't always provide proof. It doesn't always make sense, and it sure as hell doesn't always feel good. But it is worth it. It is worth it for you—your own soul, your own psyche—and it's worth it for the world because each of us have more resiliency and greater access to our agency when we are emotionally integrated. And that shit—it's powerful. And it is my wish for me and for you and for all of us.
Okay. Now to your horoscope. We are looking at the astrology of June 2nd through the 8th of 2024. And the first exact transit of the week happens on Sunday, June 2nd, at 5:15 p.m. Pacific Time. Jupiter is at almost 2 degrees—1 degree and 53 minutes if you're paying attention—of Gemini, and Pluto is at the exact same degrees of Aquarius. We have a Jupiter trine to Pluto.
This is a fantastic transit. What this transit does—and you will feel it especially if it's hitting anything in your birth chart. So it will be an especially helpful transit to you if you have anything at around 2 degrees of an air sign, which of course is Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra, or a fire sign, which would be Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo. But also, if it's triggering any other major transit you're going through, you're really going to feel this one.
So Jupiter trine to Pluto is a transit that can increase power in a really big way. But it doesn't inherently say whether that expansion of power and transformation is a good thing or a bad thing. Because it's a trine, it's an easy flow of energy. However, we don't want all of our parts to grow. We don't want all parts of society to grow.
Jupiter is generally associated with benefic things. However, whose definition of benefic are we going for? Not everybody has the same idea of what advancements in social justice might mean right now. So who gets the benefits of a Jupiter trine to Pluto? I don't know, but I do know that this transit is one to watch out for for developments in society and for the potential for an expansion of influence, power, and transformation. Again, in what direction—well, this is where individual agency comes about.
On a personal level, this transit does pretty much the same thing. It can increase your power. It can increase your ability to move through complex and deep content, to achieve some meaningful level of healing. Pluto is associated with your survival mechanisms, and Jupiter, again, is growth. It's a healing planet. So our potential to move through our survival mechanisms with greater ease, grace, and effectiveness is meaningfully increased during this transit. And we're going to be feeling this transit for a nice hot minute, but of course, it is exact on this day.
If an opportunity should emerge on and around this transit, definitely be open to taking it, especially if it is an opportunity for you to expand, grow, try something that is actually a little bit challenging. And when people hear the idea of an opportunity coming about, I think a lot of times, people are like, "I will win a lot of money. I will fall in love." And the truth is that this opportunity may be that you catch a moment of silence and you really tap in, and something in you meaningfully shifts—not necessarily on the surface, but internally.
Sometimes the best thing that can happen is you have an opportunity to go to a party that you don't fucking want to go to, and then you don't go—growth. So I want to encourage you to be open to evolution, expansion, and growth that happens beneath the surface, things that people can't necessarily see.
This transit—it is a great opportunity to make use of opportunities within. But not all opportunities are good for you, and not all opportunities that are good for you are good at all times. Whenever we go through Jupiter transits, it's always in my mind that it is a test in how well you know yourself, how well you know your limitations, how well you know your potential, what's possible.
This transit is no exception. So be curious, be open, and take chances. And when you take chances, make sure that you are taking chances to exist beyond the limitations that your survival mechanisms would set for you out of fear. And that shit is much easier said than done.
Now, the other exact transit on June 2nd is a Mercury sextile to Neptune. This is Mercury at 29 degrees and 42 minutes of Taurus sextile to Neptune at the same degrees of Pisces at 8:57 p.m. Pacific Time. So, first of all, both Mercury and Neptune are at anaretic degrees, which strengthens and intensifies their energies in their signs. It also strengthens and intensifies the power and effectiveness of this transit.
This is a great time to learn. This transit—it kind of opens our minds and our senses to tapping into greater truths. And in particular, because we're dealing with the zodiac signs of Taurus and Pisces, we're talking about your values and your ethos, your true spiritual convictions, your capacity for empathy and collective care. And we know here at Ghost of a Podcast Industries that individual wellness and collective wellness are irrevocably intertwined.
So Mercury sextile to Neptune makes that more manifest. In fact, it's a great transit for manifestation. Jupiter trine to Pluto overlapping with Mercury sextile to Neptune—excellent transits for manifestation. And we do have a New Moon this week strengthening our ability to manifest conditions within ourselves and in the world.
Now, if you're ever fucking with any kind of magic, it is very sticky and tricky to try to manifest anything to change anything for other people. I don't recommend it in general. But to shift things for yourself—that's a beautiful thing. If you are an energy worker and you're trying to work on collective things, lighting up the action and intentions of people who do terrible things in the world—that's actually well starred. That's actually well starred because you're not affecting them. But otherwise, I don't generally encourage doing any kind of magic that affects other people.
Anyways, back to you. Mercury sextile to Neptune increases your sensitivities. But if you, like so many of us, are feeling so tapped and just raw, like a raw, vulnerable, oversensitive ball of emotion, then that increase in sensitivities is an invitation and an opportunity to cultivate greater clarity about what you're feeling and what you need, and with that knowledge, to help you to develop healthier, more effective boundaries. Energy boundaries, psychological boundaries, behavioral boundaries—they're all well starred by these transits.
This transit can help us to learn something new. This is a really good time to get yourself into nature. It's a really good time to tap into the arts, whatever that means to you, whether that means making stuff or listening to music, taking in something beautiful that stimulates you. This transit increases our empathy and our ability to care about others, our willingness to truly listen to others.
As you have heard me say countless time, Mercury is not just about what we say. It's how we listen. It's how we take in information. It's how we process and sort through information. I think the historical focus on Mercury being about what you say and your thoughts is just—it's a reflection on the influence of patriarchy upon astrology, right? It's everywhere. It's everywhere.
Anyways, so Mercury sextile to Neptune is a beautiful transit and one that is really good for tapping in so you can tune up. The fact that this is overlapping with that Jupiter/Pluto trine is really good news. I'm going to give you more good news, okay? Don't get used to it, but I got more good news. On Tuesday, June the 4th, we have two more exact transits, and they're both good. What? Yeah. They're both good.
At 3:23 a.m. Pacific Time on Tuesday, the 4th of June, we've got Mercury conjunction to Jupiter. And then, later that morning at 8:33 a.m. Pacific Time, the Sun and Venus meet. So Mercury is meeting up with Jupiter at 2 degrees of Gemini. So now Mercury has moved into Gemini; Jupiter is in Gemini. We've also got the Sun at 14 degrees and 30 minutes of Gemini sitting on top of Venus at the exact same degrees of Gemini. It's a very Gemini moment.
And these transits are both absolutely lovely. And again, both of these transits are good for manifestation. So, when I say manifestation—and if you don't know this, I've taught a class on manifestation. It's available on my website on the Shop page. I think it's very, very good. But when I'm talking about manifestation, I am always talking about getting your thoughts and your feelings on the same line of the same page. It's when we are in alignment—our thoughts and feelings are in alignment—that we are in a state of manifestation.
And basically, when I say it's a great time for manifestation, I am saying this is a great time to get in alignment. When we're not conscious about our unconscious survival mechanisms and beliefs and attitudes, we will often get into alignment with the shit we don't really want to stand behind. But this is the nature of our unconscious impulses. They drive us to stay safe even when that safety keeps us small, keeps us hidden, keeps us unhappy.
The astrology of this week is incredibly supportive for doing hard work and not having it be as hard as it would be in other times because there's so much supportive energy at play.
Back to these transits. So Mercury conjunction to Jupiter is a fucking fantastic transit. It's one that can bring about good news. Now, of course, this is most likely to happen if you have something at around 2 degrees of an air sign or a fire sign, maybe of a mutable sign—so the mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sadge, and Pisces—but especially of those air and fire signs.
So Mercury conjunction to Jupiter can bring you good news, and that good news—honestly, it can just be like somebody likes you. It can just be information that feels good. It doesn't have to be actual news, although something positive may happen this week. Again, when I talk about collective dynamics, it would be naïve to not acknowledge that good news for me might not be good news for you or your uncle.
Mercury/Jupiter conjunction also puts us in a better frame of mind. It's a transit that makes you feel a little more optimistic, maybe a little more self-indulgent, maybe a little bit more soapboxy, like you just want to tell people what to think, tell people what to believe, just proselytize. Other people may do that to you. But generally speaking, the ideas that we come across during this transit are expansive. They're interesting. There is a way that we can have an exciting exchange of ideas.
This is a great transit for socializing. Good news for you—Sun conjunction to Venus, also fucking fantastic for socializing. We are still in a mass-disabling event, and so of course, if we're socializing in public spaces, we are doing so with a mask to make those spaces accessible for people who are immune compromised or have disabilities.
Okay. So, in general, great time for socializing, for connecting with people, for sharing ideas, for making decisions, for, in particular, making business decisions. If somebody's sending you a contract on or around this date, good news for you—it's likely to be good for you. This is just, in general, a great time for being able to see the details and the big picture—Mercury is the details; Jupiter is the big picture—at the same time and to assess them both from the same perspective—in other words, make good plans, process information effectively. Very good news—Mercury conjunction to Jupiter.
Now, the same day, a couple hours later, the Sun conjoins Venus, all in Gemini. This is, again, exciting. It's stimulating. Sun conjunction to Venus is a transit that has your attention on Venusian themes. That might be your relationships, the people you love, the people you like, the people you make art with, the people who inspire you to feel good or to take good care of yourself.
This transit can be very much associated with indulgence, eating rich foods, and partaking in the material pleasures of life. So it's a great time for hooking up, for first dates, for getting your flirt on, for going shopping—as long as you don't overspend, because that's always a risk with a Sun conjunction to Venus—basically playing with the way things look and the way things feel. Sun/Venus conjunction is good news for those two things.
But it's also good news for getting aligned with your identity—the Sun—and your values—Venus—so to deeply consider how you are or are not living in alignment with your values. This is a great time to make those considerations because you're not likely to feel like shit about what you find if you find you have been straying from your values.
This transit tends to make us feel pretty resilient and pretty good. It's not a transit for working hard, but it is really great for play and, in particular, aesthetic play—in other words, playing with the way things look, the way you look, whatever that means for you, for flirting, for hooking up. Venus is not the most athletic sexual planet in the zodiac, but it is about sensuality and a connection that feels good to all parties involved. So go get weird with it if you can.
But again, I will always bring you back to the power that Venus has in identifying and aligning with values, your values. So, if your self-esteem has been in the shitter, this is a great time for tapping into your inherent value as a person. If you are struggling within your choices—your choice to stay at a job or in a relationship or whatever—to assess, "What is the value that I am deriving from this situation? What is the value that it is bringing my life? Even if there's 20 things I fucking hate about it, what is the value that I can identify? And how can I do my best to get as much of that value from this situation and to bring as much value as I am capable of to this situation while I am choosing to stay in it or unable to get out of it?"—whatever the case may be.
The other thing I messed up—but I'm going to fix right now—is I forgot to tell you what was happening on fucking Monday, the 3rd, which is overlapping with the Jupiter trine to Pluto and the Mercury sextile to Neptune and the Mercury conjunction to Jupiter and the Sun conjunction to Venus. So overlapping with all four of those transits on Monday, the 3rd, at exactly 11:12 p.m. Pacific Time, Mercury forms an exact trine to Pluto. And that is another beautiful transit.
So all of these transits are overlapping each other, and it is a joy. It is a joy. It's rare that I have just so many wonderful transits to tell you about, and they're all influencing each other, strengthening each other. Now, the Mercury trine to Pluto—again, another lovely transit, all in air signs. So, I say to you, very good news.
This is a transit that can continue to support you in coming to greater understanding and awareness of your survival mechanisms. Mercury is your mind; Pluto is your survival mechanisms. This transit can help you to move through them with greater self-awareness and curiosity. And that curiosity—never underestimate the power of curiosity. When we are curious, we are not in a state of resistance. I'm not talking about political resistance, which we love, but I'm talking about internal psychological, spiritual resistance to what is. Curiosity is about being open and adaptable. And this transit is excellent for that.
This is a great transit for, again, making plans, having hard conversations, doing the psychological work, communicating something that is important to you, understanding something that is of value to you, analyzing, researching, reading, writing, listening, speaking—again, there's not a negative thing I can say about this transit. It is a great transit for exploration. And exploration can happen on so many levels, but because we're dealing with these air signs to Mercury and Pluto, we have a hint here that the exploration of what is possible, which is something I've talked a lot about in, I believe, last week's episode—right? Possibility.
So what is possible in your life? How may you be habituated to believe that things aren't possible when, in fact, they are? How can you be more curious about what is and what has been so that you may explore what you can do in the future or what you can stop doing in the future? Mercury trine to Pluto is just a really great transit, and it's great for socializing. It's great for hanging out with people. It's great for just basically having a nice time. You are likely to give good DM during a Mercury trine to Pluto.
One last thing I'll say about this transit—much like the Mercury sextile Neptune and the Jupiter trine to Pluto, it can intensify or increase intuitive or psychic perception. So intuitive—Neptune. Psychic—Pluto. It's not going to turn you into a psychic or anything, but if these transits are hitting your birth chart—because they're all happening at similar degrees, right? So, if these transits are hitting your birth chart, you may find yourself in a state of intuitive knowing. Things may just align. You may experience serendipity or synchronicity. Again—great. Wonderful. Let it feed you to be more brave and to explore whatever it is that needs exploring in your life. Okay? Okay. Okay.
That brings us Thursday, June 6th. And we have a New Moon in Gemini. So, at 5:38 a.m. Pacific Time, the Moon will be at 16 degrees of Gemini and 18 minutes, and so will the Sun—at exactly those degrees. And that, my friends, is a New Moon. New Moons always happen when the Sun and Moon are at the exact same degrees of the exact same sign. And they are inherently good for manifestation because it's when our feelings—the Moon—and our identity, our sense of self—the Sun—are in alignment.
So this is a good time to set intentions. If you want to charge up your crystals, your gemstones, you do it under the light of the New Moon, not the Full Moon. I know a lot of people think the Full Moon because the Moon is so bright, but Full Moons are when we clear and we release, and New Moons are when we set intentions; we plant seeds. And this particular New Moon has got a lot of energy in it, and a lot of really lovely energy.
We have got a stellium in Gemini right now. We've got Jupiter at almost 3 degrees of Gemini, Mercury at 6 degrees of Gemini, and then the Sun, Moon, and Venus all at 16 degrees of Gemini. So we've got Jupiter and Mercury sitting on top of each other, the Sun, Venus, and Moon sitting on top of each other. And this is a lot of powerful energy for exploring possibility. All this Gemini energy is adaptable and curious and can help you to develop a more expansive and just more honest worldview.
Gemini—like people who are Sun in Gemini people—I think, get a bad rap for—I mean, okay. We can point to all the signs to find lots of evidence of people being terrible in whatever ways. But I think part of why Gemini gets a bad rap is because Gemini is capable of seeing multiple truths at once. And that can make a person duplicitous if they don't make the choice to align with a singular idea or belief or path.
Because we have so much Gemini energy happening here and because of Jupiter's involvement, you may be feeling restless or impatient. But that's a misuse of energy. What I want to encourage you to do is to explore. If you are feeling restless, it's because you are fixated on a singular idea or looking for a singular bit of evidence or proof. What I want to encourage you to do this New Moon is to explore what is possible, to go big with what is possible, as long as you keep it aligned with your values, because again, Venus is very tightly conjoined to this New Moon.
This can be all about love. You may need to align your values with what you love because you love it. So, whether we're talking about social justice or we're talking about you and your bestie have been having a hard time, and it's time for you to really reconnect with how and why you love them and to motivate from there to explore what's possible and what has happened from that place—whatever it is, I cannot overstate the power of aligning with your values and aligning with love and making sure that love is somewhere within your value system because if it isn't, life is really hard to live over the course of time.
This is a powerful time for coming into greater self-awareness about your own beliefs, your own attitudes. What you communicate and how you receive or listen to what is being communicated with you is affecting your sense of self, your experience of your own emotions, your own identity. This New Moon is a powerful time for growing, and growing in a deep way, because Pluto is involved. We still have the Jupiter trine to Pluto. We have, more loosely, Mercury trine to Pluto, still.
And so we have the opportunity here for tapping into survival mechanisms, tapping into our depths, in a way that helps us to both understand them and to have a more healing and generative experience of them. Again, this takes adaptability. It takes curiosity. And it takes your intention, your intention to do it.
We don't want to forget that Chiron and Mars are still sitting real close to each other. Chiron is at 22, and Mars is at 28 of Aries. And so there's still that fucking agitation, that violence, that irritability, that ambition in the collective. There's a very intense kick of energy from Chiron and Mars in Aries. But we have so much support this week—so much support this week—in processing it.
Now, the kicker—because there's always a fucking kicker, right? Is there not always a kicker? The kicker is that Saturn is sitting at almost 19 degrees of Pisces. It's at 18 degrees and 58 minutes. And that means it's forming a square to the Sun and Moon at 16 degrees and Venus at almost 17 degrees, but at 16:48. So Saturn is squaring the Sun, Moon, and Venus. And this means that you may be feeling a sense of scarcity. You may be feeling a sense of consequence. And a lot of people experience consequence as a negative thing, when in fact all of life is action and consequence. Inaction is an action.
Life is action and consequence. Astrology teaches us energy. But with that energy, we use our agency one way or another to engage in action within the context of that energy. And that has consequence. That's all. When Saturn shows up to the group chat, what always happens is there's consequences for what you have or haven't done, for why you did or didn't do it, for the energy with which you did or didn't do it, etc., etc., etc.
So this may be a New Moon where you may need to be accountable to your actions, to your beliefs. You may believe something that you have now learned was not actually in alignment with you. Okay. Own it. Don't feel guilty. Take accountability, and then keep on moving. This is a New Moon, right? It's a time for planting seeds. And Saturn wants us to learn, from seasons passed, where to plant those seeds, how to conserve our resources so that we don't waste them, so we make the most of them, so we get the highest yield in our crop next season.
Because of Saturn's placement here, you may be feeling depressive, especially if you have something at around anywhere between 16 and 19 degrees of a mutable sign. Again, mutable signs are Pisces and Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius. You may be feeling lonely. You may be feeling plagued by your past relationship patterns. Saturn, again, wants you to take accountability, not to devolve into guilt or shame or blame, to not tell yourself that you are doomed—because you probably aren't—but instead to notice your patterns and how you choose, consciously or unconsciously, to engage with those patterns and to recognize that if you are curious and adaptable, you could make better choices. What might those choices be? What might those actions be?
Maybe you'd be doing a little less of something and a little more of something else if you were acting out of your own best interests. Saturn square to the New Moon—it's a little bit of a pain in the ass; I'm not going to lie to you. It's not exact yet, but this is a harbinger of the energetics to come. This New Moon, because of Saturn's placement, is an opportunity for you to question the effectiveness and the appropriateness of what you're doing and why, of what you've done and how, and again, not to condemn, not to blame, not to go into "Woe is me" shit, but instead to be curious about the impact of your actions and to be curious about what you could change to get a different impact if that's appropriate or necessary.
If it weren't for Saturn, this New Moon would be just like gumdrops and lollipops and ponies and unicorns. But Saturn is as Saturn does, and here we have a meaningfully Saturnian influence on this particular New Moon chart. But again, it is useful because Saturn is useful. You just have to be willing to stay emotionally and psychologically present with your more challenging thoughts and feelings in order to access the wisdom and power of Saturn. So, again, that's the assignment.
And that brings us to the last exact transit of this week. It's occurring on Saturday, June 8th, at 1:25 a.m. Pacific Time. And this is Venus at 19 degrees and 3 minutes of Gemini forming an exact square to Saturn at the same degrees of Pisces. Just as a heads-up, on the 9th—and I'll talk about it in next week's horoscope—we have the Sun square to Saturn exact. So we're already feeling the effects of it as of the New Moon. It's really intensifying these two transits, but we're going to focus on the Venus square to Saturn.
If you are interested in the astrology of next week or the week after, you can go ahead and subscribe to my Patreon, where I have, once a month, a bonus episode of Ghost of a Podcast that is only available on Patreon where I go through the astrology of the month ahead and just delineate every damn transit for the month. Plus we do all kinds of other astrological and woo-woo stuff over there on my Patreon, and I just love my patrons. So, if you're a patron, thank you. I appreciate you.
Speaking of me appreciating you, the Venus square to Saturn is a really meaningful time to let people know how you feel about them, that you appreciate them, because during a Venus square to Saturn, you, me, and everybody else is going to be feeling kind of a heaviness around our relationships. Venus square to Saturn can intensify or highlight feeling lonely, feeling like you're not good enough or you didn't do enough or you're not cute enough. It can find you comparing yourself to others, which is a fast track to feeling miserable.
Comparing yourself to other people will rob you of your joy and your creativity and your spark every fucking time. Don't do it. If you catch yourself doing it, try to rein yourself in and be curious about why you're bothering to waste your energy in that particular way. I mean, we all do it, but it's a good thing to stop.
Venus square to Saturn is often a time where someone feels fucking down and lonely and isolated and in a state of scarcity. It can make you feel depressed. It can make you feel like people don't like you, like you don't like people, like you don't belong. It can accentuate financial problems, especially if it hits something direct in your chart—and in particular, that would be anything at around 19 degrees of a mutable sign. Again, the mutable signs—Gemini, Pisces, Sadge, and Virgo.
So Venus square to Saturn will confront you with the need to deal with your fucking finances, the need to deal with your relationships. It's a terrible time to try to process, unless it's necessary. But it's going to be necessary to process for a lot of people. That's Venus square Saturn for you. And the key here is do not try to win a fight. Don't try to prove your point. That's a terrible idea, I mean in general, but especially during this transit.
Strive to be honest—to be honest with yourself about what you are centering and valuing in how you relate to the other person or people, in how you treat yourself and how you let other people treat you. This transit, as well as the Sun square to Saturn, really is about getting real and dealing with consequences. So, if you're trying to score points, if you're trying to prove yourself, if you're trying to punish someone else, it's going to backfire on you, maybe not immediately, but for sure.
This is an important time for putting in the work. Saturn favors work, action, and consequence—causality. That's Saturn for you. Venus is what you value. That's who you love. That's what you love. It's your finances. It's what you spend your money on. And it's also aesthetic stuff. It's looks. And so a lot of people have a really hard time with the mirror, to which I say these meat suits—what a boner.
But also, if you overemphasize the value and importance of the way you look, that can be kind of an erosion of your own values. It can steal from you what's actually important. But I don't know. You get to decide for yourself what is the most important thing to you, what deserves the most of your time and energy. And over the course of time, it is those choices that shape who and what we are and what our lives are.
You may find yourself fixated on and around this date on things that you actually don't value when you really think about it, that aren't that important to you when you really think about it. And if that's the case, it's time to change. In regards to the world, we may see legislative or very real systemic shifts women's rights, which of course includes Trans and Nonbinary rights. It touches on Queer rights because Venus square to Saturn doesn't tend to turn out well for these demographics and patriarchal systems. So, if you are an activist, if you're somebody who's engaged, this is a time to be paying attention to the world around you, making sure that you are doing something to reflect what you care about. That's what this transit wants.
Now, on a more psychological and emotional level, this transit may find yourself feeling like you just can't, like you just can't. And you know what? That's real. You may not be able to. You may feel that you have no spoons, zero spoons, in which case you've got to do what you gotta do to take care of you. However, it is wise to remember that this transit is not only affecting you. So, if you can make an effort to be direct with people about where you're at, you may mitigate any potential future consequences that may come from your conduct during this transit. There's a lot of Gemini energy in the world right now, so a little bit of communication can go a real long way. Just make sure that communication reflects your values, you see?
And that, my friends, is your horoscope. I thought it was a lot. It's a very busy week. I'm going to run through it one more time. On Sunday, the 2nd, we have Jupiter trine to Pluto and Mercury sextile to Neptune. On Monday, the 3rd of June, Mercury forms an exact trine to Pluto. And then, on Tuesday, the 4th of June, we have a Mercury conjunction to Jupiter and a Sun conjunction to Venus. On Thursday, the 6th, we have a New Moon in Gemini that is exact at 5:38 a.m. Pacific Time. And finally, on Saturday, the 8th, we have an exact square between Venus and Saturn.
And that's your horoscope, my loves. I want to thank you so much for joining me here on Ghost this week and every week. And if you haven't already, do hit that Subscribe button or the Follow button. It does help little DIY podcasts like this one. If you would like a reading with me, you can always send a question through the contact form of my website over at ghostofapodcast.com.
All right. Take really good care of yourself and others, and I will talk to you in just a couple of days. Buh-bye.