2022 Year Ahead Horoscope

What do the USA's Pluto Return, Saturn in Aquarius, and the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction all have in common? They're happening in 2022! In this special bonus episode, Jessica looks at the astrology of 2022 and gives you some sound advice for finding your way within it.

Get your tickets to join Jessica for her January 2nd webinar, Plants & Planets: Tools for 2022 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plants-planets-tools-for-2022-tickets-228015639917

238: Attitudes + Horoscope

Back in January 2020, Jessica met up with Bryan Safi & Erin Gibson on their podcast, Attitudes!, to talk all things astrology and to give them readings. Listen to an excerpt of it here or find the whole thing on their feed, wherever podcasts are heard.

Chiron and Pluto feature heavily in the end-of-year horoscope, for better or worse, and Jupiter moves into Pisces. This week's astro-weather report ends on New Year's Day — Happy New Year & stay safe!

Last chance to get your tickets to join Jessica live for her January 2nd webinar, Plants & Planets: Tools for 2022. Click here!

237: Family Affair + Horoscope

This week's Q&A is an excerpt from Jessica's guest appearance on the podcast, Sex Talk with My Mom! She goes deep into romance and career in the charts of hosts, the mother son duo, Cam and KarenLee.

This week's Astrology includes a meaningful exact hit between Saturn and Uranus, the start of Venus retrograde, a solstice, and the very intense Venus Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. As always, Jessica offers practical advice for coping with the astrology of this tumultuous time.

236: Nervous + Venus Rx Horoscope

Predictive astrology involves taking in a lot of information, and it can be a stressful emotional roller coaster. One listener wrote in asking if forecasts are worth the toll they take on her nervous system.

This week's horoscope details the Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th, offering insight about what to expect and sage advice for leveraging the lunar event. Venus goes Retrograde in Capricorn from December 19, 2021 – January 29, 2022! Jessica explains what it means and how to make the most of it.

235: Destiny vs. Ego + Horoscope

A listener with unshakeable faith in their vision for what to do with their life wrote in to ask how to differentiate between one's earthly destiny and what might instead be the reflection of an inflated ego?

This week's horoscope touches on lots of social themes, and includes some stressful transits to Neptune and Pluto. Learn about the Venus/Pluto transit that will follow us through all of December so you can make the most of its potential.

234: How To Have Boundaries With Family + Horoscope

Family can be hard, and boundaries can be hard. Put them together, and they can feel impossible! A listener wrote in asking for advice on how to maintain her boundaries with a family that isn't respecting them.

It's another Eclipse in this week's horoscope! Come for the astrology, and stay for the astrology — 'cause it's just that good.

233: How To Deal With Betrayal + Horoscope

How do you deal with being cheated on when you really love your partner? When a listener discovered her partner cheated with his ex, she wrote in looking for insight.

This week's horoscope includes a post Lunar Eclipse check-in and a preview of the forthcoming Pluto Return of the USA.

232: Cyst Struggles + Horoscope

A listener who gets various cysts wants to know how astrology plays a role in her health. Jessica explores medical astrology in this one-on-one reading.

This week's forecast is epic; there's a Lunar Eclipse, some heavy transits to Venus and Mars, and a whole lot of Jupiter's energies to contend with. As usual, Jessica ties in the social and personal implications of it all and offers practical advice.

231: Bipolar Relapse + Horoscope

After finally finding the right medication for her bipolar disorder, a listener fears symptoms returning or her meds not working. After a tough year of major stress and increasing relationship tension, she's worried that she may be having a relapse.

This week's horoscope involves some reactionary transits, with a Mercury Mars conjunction as well as a Mercury opposition to Uranus. Come for the horoscope, stay for the practical life advice!

230: Awful Ancestors + Horoscope

How should you honor ancestors that were awful people? A Pagan listener feels called to honor her ancestors, but she recently discovered some truly terrible things about one of them. She asks Jessica for help sorting out her spiritual path.

Mercury is forming another intense square to Pluto, and we have an unpredictable New Moon in Scorpio on the 4th. The astrology may be all over the place, but you don't have to be! Listen to Jessica's practical advice for guidance.

229: What Will They Say? + Horoscope

A listener who practices astrology and who's also studying to be a doctor is afraid of judgment from medical schools and her academic peers. Jessica weighs in.

In this week's horoscope, Neptune and Saturn pressure us to live in accordance with our values in an increasingly hectic world.

228: Confusing Premonitions + Horoscope

Psychic messaging can be both profound and annoying. A listener wants help unpacking the psychic hits that seem to have led her into relationship trouble. Jessica advises on love and navigating intuition.

This week's horoscope includes an intense Full Moon and lots of Pluto transits. Bring as much intention to your actions as you can muster in this whirlwind energy.

226: Self Conscious + Horoscope

An aspiring astrologer wants to put herself out there but is struggling with a fear of being seen. Jessica breaks down working with her nature through the lens of the listener's birth chart.

Jessica talks Puppy Talk Rules and emotional self-care in this week's tumultuous New Moon horoscope. Come for the astrology, stay for the practical advice.

227: Adam JK + Horoscope

Enjoy this extra special astrological reading for Adam J Kurtz — it's tender! Jessica & Adam touch on creative process, the Christ Year of the Saturn Return, health, and so much more.

In the horoscope segment, Jessica reviews the chaotic events of last week and then explores the best ways to maximize the positive potential of this week's sextiles and trines.

225: At Odds + Horoscope

A listener who has always been very close with her sister is struggling because they have very different views on the pandemic. Jessica gives practical advice about how to engage with empathy and healthy boundaries.

This week’s horoscope kicks off with a thorough breakdown of what we can expect from this Mercury Retrograde cycle. Mercury will be square to Pluto again, and there will be an intense Mars opposition to Chiron. Identity, communication, and relationships are all big themes this week.

224: Saturn Square + Horoscope

A listener's opening Saturn square Saturn is imminent, and after the past couple years she's had, she's worried that it will be rough. Jessica talks cycles, inevitable change, and the importance of not projecting the past onto the future.

This week's Full Moon packs a punch of relational instability. Luckily, a Mars trine Saturn ends the week with some supportive action.

223: Communication Breakdown + Horoscope

A listener who feels easily misunderstood wrote in asking if her ability to communicate is as debilitated as her Mercury placement. Jessica talks about her natal aspects and gives practical communication advice.

The Sun opposition to Neptune and Venus square to Saturn this week will stir up some tough emotions. Get pro tips for meeting the wonky energy with grace.

222: Soul Purpose + Horoscope

Soul's purpose? Career? A listener asks why an astrology reading left her with more questions than answers. Jessica reframes the question and delivers perspective.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 6th lands just as Mercury starts its Retroshade period. Your horoscope offers tools for leveraging this week's astrology and navigating the world's upsetting twists and turns with care.

221: Empath + Horoscope

A highly sensitive listener wants to know what more she can do to protect her energy during these turbulent times.

Emotions are running high! The transit to watch out for this week is a disorienting Mars opposition to Neptune. It's time to show up for self-care.

220: Lost In Love + Horoscope

A listener from down under wrote in because she read that her birth chart indicates that relationships and intimacy may not come easily to her. She wants to know how she can satisfy her cravings for intimacy, physical affection, romance, and connection in a healthy way?

This week's horoscope includes a powerful Full Moon in Aquarius and some important oppositions that involve Neptune and Chiron. Use astrology to support your mental health and your decisions!