Ghost of a Podcast with Jessica Lanyadoo

July 20, 2024

448: Horoscope - Full Moon in Capricorn + a Heavy Dose of Pluto


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Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.


Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast. This week, there's so much going on that we're pretty much going to dive right into your horoscope. But I will say that on my Patreon, we have pulled up the chart of the assassination attempt on Trump. We have been discussing it from an astrological perspective, what it does or doesn't change, what it evokes within us spiritually, emotionally, strategically, and I think it's been a really good conversation. If this is something that you would enjoy participating in, join us over on Patreon over at That's me.


Okay. Like I said, let's dive right in. We're looking at the astrology of July 21st through the 27th of 2024. And we start off this week with a very busy day. On the 21st, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. That baby is a Blue Moon, which means it's the second Full Moon in Capricorn of the year, and that only happens once every Blue Moon. Anyways, we are looking at a Full Moon in Capricorn exact at 3:17 a.m. Pacific Time and an exact sextile between Venus and Jupiter, an exact square between Mercury and Uranus, and an exact trine between the Sun and Neptune, plus an exact trine between Mars and Pluto.


This is a lot of energy. That is a lot of energy. So let me start high level. Full Moons are when emotions and, a lot of times, situations and dynamics come to the surface. They demand to be processed and experienced emotionally, and they mark the end or closure of a cycle. Now, when it comes to the Moon, we know that it is full once a month. So the cycles that we go through with the Moon are pretty quick.


A Full Moon in Capricorn is always going to be an opportunity to release attachments that pull us from taking responsibility for ourselves emotionally or taking responsibility for the people and things that we really care about and/or are responsible to. A Full Moon in Capricorn is going to be a big deal. And this Full Moon in Capricorn, which⁠—don't worry⁠—I'm going to fully unpack for you in a moment, is meant to bring up issues that are deeply in resonance with the Full Moon in Capricorn we went through, coincidentally, on June the 21st. So we're going to get to more details about this Full Moon, but big emotions take responsibility. Show up.


Now, a Venus sextile to Jupiter is a lovely transit. It's one that makes it easier and more accessible to be in connection dynamically, enthusiastically with your values, with your beliefs. It's a great transit for schmoozing and socializing and flirting and connecting and investing. It can lead to excess, but generally speaking, it's lovely. And to have a Venus sextile to Jupiter happening at the same time as a Full Moon gives us a little bump around being able to get along well with others and to stay connected to what you actually value, what you actually believe in.


And this transit is exact at 1:43 p.m. Pacific Time, and it's happening with Venus at 12 degrees and 31 minutes of Leo and Jupiter at the same degrees of Gemini. Now, I know I'm going to be going through a lot of data, and so I want to remind you that if you want to be tracking the transits as I do, you can subscribe to my astrologer's pro tool, Astrology for Days, at And it just helps you to track the transits very simply and keep notes on what you're learning or your predictions, and you can set it for your own time zone.


So Venus sextile Jupiter. A couple hours later, 3:21 p.m. Pacific Time, Mercury forms an exact square to Uranus. This transit⁠—broad strokes⁠—creates disruptions, creates anxiety, restlessness. It can lead to gossip. It can lead to secrets being revealed. It can just as equally lead to misinformation or disinformation. Mercury is your mind, and Uranus is your nervous system. Mercury is sharing information, and Uranus is electricity, the World Wide Web⁠—or as I prefer to call it, the net.


Because Mercury and Uranus are forming a square to each other while all of our emotions are up with a Full Moon, you are more likely to be reactive. But even if you're not that reactive, everyone's more likely to be reactive because Mercury and Uranus⁠—when they are having a frictional relationship to each other like a square would provoke, what happens is it creates mental agitation. It's hard to stay focused. There's restlessness. There's future-tripping. There's kind of half-baked ideas or really inventive, forward-thinking ideas but perhaps the loss of details. And sometimes when we're talking about details with big ideas, we're talking about people. You might make big plans and then forget that you have to include other people and their desires, their wants, their preferences, in your plans.


You may feel inspired and like you want to drag other people along with you into your brilliant idea⁠—best of luck with that, my friend, because Mercury square to Uranus tends to provoke a bit of opposition when it's not executed in a collaborative way. Let's make it more complicated. Mercury is at 26 degrees of Leo and 33 minutes, and Uranus is at the same degrees of Taurus. So here we have fixed energy. So make sure you're listening. Make sure that you are willing to be adaptable to learn or to unlearn.


Now, again, in the context of this Full Moon, what we can expect is pretty much the opposite of what I just said. Mercury square to Uranus creates upsets socially. It makes it harder to get along with people. It makes it more likely that you will jump to conclusions, and those conclusions may come from Uranus⁠—speedy, super heady Uranus⁠—or it may come from the Full Moon itself and the complexities which are very Plutonian⁠—just spoiler alert. It depends.


Now, luckily, we have a Sun trine to Neptune exact at 8:25 p.m. Pacific and a Mars trine to Pluto exact at 8:48 p.m. Pacific. Sun is at 29 degrees of Cancer and 15 minutes⁠—nice anaretic Sun⁠—and Neptune's at the same degrees of Pisces. Mars is at 0 degrees of Gemini, 54 minutes; Pluto, same degrees of Aquarius. Sun trine to Neptune increases empathy, increases care, increases consideration, humanity, kindness, spirituality. And because it's a trine between two water signs, that is strengthened. We have a beautiful flow of energy.


Let me give you more good news. This Sun is the very same Sun that is involved in the Full Moon because, of course, every Full Moon is a Moon opposition to the Sun. This very tight aspect to the Sun will strengthen the Sun in Cancer's natural ability to care, to be loving and nurturing and supportive, whether that's to the world, to the planet, to the collective⁠—because who are we kidding? It's hard out here⁠—or to yourself, to someone you're in relationship with.


The Sun trine to Neptune is a deeply rewarding, if not somewhat subtle, assist from the Universe. So do your best to tap in. And just so I can make this as material as possible, tapping in means tapping into nature, tapping into spirituality, your ancestors, your connection to ancestors, without an agenda⁠—without an agenda. See, the problem with Cancer energies⁠—and there's so much that is so good about Cancerian energies, but the kind of thing we need to be careful about is the ways in which those little crab pinchers are all about attachments, coming at things sideways, getting attached.


So, if what you can do is to tap into this really supportive trine from Neptune to the Sun, what you can do is tap into your own ability to be loving and open without attachments or conditions, to be in a state of receptivity if what you need is support, or to be generous with the energies that you have to share.


At the same time, Mars is trine to Pluto⁠—radically different vibes, but equally valuable. Mars is about ambition, aggression, assertion. It's the planet that governs mobilization. And Pluto, which is a planet that features, again, very heavily in this chart, is the bad boy that rules over transformation, creation, death, progress, and annihilation. It's deep, healing powers.


When Mars forms a trine to Pluto, we know that we can get shit done. We can make a move. We can change something. And that change may be simply moving three paces to the right and getting out of your rut. It may be just the shake-up of energy that can help you to feel brave so that you can face this world, so that you can face something that you've been scared of. Mars trine to Pluto is fortifying, strengthening, engaging. It's passionate.


So the supportive transits⁠—Venus sextile to Jupiter, Sun trine to Neptune, Mars trine to Pluto⁠—are all resources to tap into. And if you are advanced enough with astrology study that you can track where these planets fall in your chart and what, if any, planets they are aspecting, that'll be all the more power to you. So, even if what you're feeling is just the stress of this bigger transit, of Mercury square to Uranus, which⁠—by the way, next month, August 4th, Mercury goes Retrograde. And we're going to feel this transit again when Mercury goes Retrograde, the Mercury square to Uranus. So pay attention to what is happening inside of your mind, in your friendships, with your plans, etc., etc., etc.


So, even if you're struggling with all these things, there is support to tap into. And it's in your resiliency, your ability to have empathy and to connect and collaborate with others. Capisce? Okay. Let's get to the details of the Full Moon.


So⁠—fun fact⁠—Moon, 29 degrees Capricorn and 8 minutes, is conjunct Pluto, 0 degrees Aquarius, 54 minutes. It's a true story. They're very closely conjunct, and that means Pluto is not just conjunct the Moon; it's opposite the Sun. And it's forming a T-square to Chiron at 23 degrees of Aries and 31 minutes. This Full Moon requires a confrontation with your survival mechanisms, and that's not nothing. Our survival mechanisms exist to literally keep us alive. And listen. Most of us have maladjusted survival mechanisms. We have survival mechanisms that don't necessarily need to be there in the context of what's happening.


That said, survival mechanisms exist to keep you alive. And as anyone who's been engaged on a self-healing journey or a healing journey will tell you, when you try to change or adjust your survival mechanisms, even if it's to make them better, to make you safer, their function is to stop you. So it is really important for me to give you this context because when we have a Pluto/Moon conjunction⁠—in particular for a Full Moon, where everything is up and being felt⁠—you may feel deeply unsafe. And the truth is, when you look around the world, we can't necessarily get safe. When you consider something like the climate crisis, there's no place that is safe from its effects anywhere. Everything is changing, and it has been changing.


This is a time of radical and profound change. And our systems⁠—not just our individual systems, but our systems collectively as a whole⁠—are broken. They're not working, or they're not serving us. We haven't yet built new systems, and that is deeply challenging, and it is inevitably going to kick up fear. During a Full Moon with a Pluto conjunction to the Moon and opposite the Sun, all square to Chiron, we are not meant to find, forge, or maintain safety. That's actually not the assignment.


The assignment is to show up emotionally for what is, for what you're feeling, for what's real and maybe even most pressing within you, in your life, or in the world if you want to show up for the social, political, environmental systems that are around us and desperately need our care and engagement. This is where we are meant to show up emotionally and to be present with, as opposed to abandon, our fears⁠—our fears about who we are, who we're not, whether or not the world is safe, whether or not we can do the things we truly want to do, whether or not we can recover from the thing we're struggling with⁠. Whatever it is that's deep within you, it's likely to come up. It wants to come up, and to come up not so you can judge it, condemn it, or even fix it, but instead so you can feel your damn feelings.


True maturity is not about perfectionism. True maturity is about recognizing where and how you need help and allowing others to help you. Now, again, this Full Moon is not necessarily the best time to get others to help you, because everybody's feeling this energy. Now, of course, some people's charts are more lit up by this event than others. However, whatever it is that comes up for you, do your best to really feel it, to be responsible to it. Responsibility is just the ability to respond.


What I'm recommending is that you show up and be present. Be kind. Be patient. And explore whatever it is that is activated within you instead of doing the most probable thing. The most probable thing is reacting out of a knee-jerk reaction⁠—extra special mention to Mercury square Uranus⁠—and acting out, kind of like a punching down on someone, or acting out of self-defense, whether or not it is appropriate, whether or not it is proportional to what's actually happening.


Whenever Pluto's involved, we're dealing with triggers. And whenever Chiron's involved, we're dealing with core wounding. This is hard because the Moon is about vulnerability, and the Sun is in Cancer. And Cancer is ruled by our buddy the Moon. This is super vulnerable. You're supposed to feel vulnerable. Feeling vulnerable is actually strength. The key here is don't trust the wrong people with your vulnerability. And listen. We've all trusted the wrong person with vulnerability. That's obviously a thing.


But if you know that someone has proven themselves, through their behavior, to not be a reliable resource for you when you're feeling raw, yeah, don't bring it to them today. Not on the 21st. Give it 72 hours if you can, okay? This is my general rule: if you don't know what to do and it's not a life-or-death situation, wait 72 hours. It's not like anything magically changes, but sometimes what we need is for our feelings to shift so that we are more open to possibilities, so that we can understand things from a different perspective. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. This Full Moon in Capricorn, it'll work.


Now, Uranus is forming a lovely and supportive trine to the Moon and sextile to the Sun, not in exactitude, but it is a lovely transit. And Mars and Mercury⁠—oh, they're starting to square each other, again, not in exactitude⁠—out of sign. But it just increases the tempo of irritability and impatience. So, depending on how this hits your chart, depending on your nature, depending on the people in your life and the situations you're engaged in, you may be experiencing a lot of push and pull and mental irritability, distraction, upsets, or you may be experiencing a little bit more of the supportive transits. Either way, I want to say it is not a value judgment on you or your life.


Whether things are easy or hard, ultimately, eh, it doesn't matter from a spiritual perspective. I mean, it really matters from an experiential perspective, but from a spiritual perspective, energy is energy. And whether the energy flows or ebbs, it's the same energy. Cultivating the ability to respond⁠—that is what a Full Moon in Capricorn is about. Don't judge. Don't fixate. Don't shove it down. Don't make others pay. Simply show up. Be accountable for yourself, to yourself and others, and respond to whatever comes up with as much integrity and care as you can.


Now, let's take a little more time to talk about the Sun opposition to Pluto. It is exact on Monday, July 22nd, at 10:38 p.m. Pacific Time. The Sun will be at 0 degrees and 52 minutes of Leo with Pluto same degrees of Aquarius. So the Sun opposite Pluto is an extension of the Full Moon. So we can't really separate these transits because this transit was a huge key component to the Full Moon. The Sun opposition to Pluto on its own always kicks up a crisis in consciousness. The Sun is your identity and your sense of self. It's how you are seen and received in a core way. The Sun is associated with alignment. When you are in alignment, you are in alignment with your Solar energies.


And Pluto likes to dig things up from the very, very depths of it all and pull it out. Pluto, as I said, is creation and destruction. It is our survival mechanisms. And so what will generally happen under a Sun opposition to Pluto is there is a crisis, and that crisis may be psychological. It may be material. It may be spiritual. And it may be emo. But whatever it is, it is trying to get you to face something about yourself. This may be a habit that you need to let go of, a trait you need to let go of. You may need to deal with a relationship dynamic that just isn't working or something at work⁠—I mean, it can be any kind of thing.


But what we know is when we're dealing with oppositions, we tend to be dealing with relational dynamics. So it's me against you or me with the team at work or that kind of shit. It's relational. A Sun opposition to Pluto confronts you with the ways in which you are out of control or you feel out of control. It can confront you with power struggles. Now, these power struggles, again, are likely to be relational, but they can be inside of you. If you know you need to quit smoking cigarettes, like you really, really want to, and yet you also really, really want to light another cigarette, that's a power struggle you're experiencing with yourself or with the nicotine itself, depending on how you engage with that kind of thing.


Whatever the power struggle is, the assignment of this transit is to show up and to do your best to release attachments to what doesn't serve you, to release your part. You can't control what other people do. You can't control what's happening around you in so many ways. But there are things you can control. That's what this transit wants you to focus on: your part, what you can control. Because this transit is associated with power struggles, it may likely feel like you are forced into something, like you didn't want to comment on that post, but you had to because the thing that the other person said on the post was so fucked up that you had to, you had to, you had to. Yeah, maybe. Maybe you have to do something, and maybe you don't.


This is the thing about a Sun opposition to Pluto. Sometimes it will put some people in real-life situations where you really need to show up and take powerful or empowered action. You may need to defend yourself or defend someone else. It is just as likely⁠—oftentimes, I would say more likely⁠—that it feels like that, but it isn't necessarily that. It isn't necessarily that. And so our job as individuals is to really sit with our feelings and our thoughts and our motivations long enough to have more information about what we're actually experiencing so that we can be intentional about the best course of action.


A really common thing that happens under this transit is you just act out. You're just kind of a jerk because you can't repress all your emotions because Pluto's too much. Now, again, especially because it's the Full Moon and we're still feeling Mercury/Uranus, it's likely that you're just going to say something you didn't mean to say, act in a way that you didn't mean to act, just be mean when cruelty is not actually called for. Or you may be a perfect angel, a puppy dog in a basket filled with ducklings, but other people around you may be massive jerks.


The challenge here is, how do you respond to that? What do you do, and how important to you or to your situation is it that you do anything other than attend to what comes up inside of you? Life is big, and there's lots of different moments and lots of different situations you may be in. So do your best to apply this information in a way that works for your sweet little self.


And one more thing. In regards to the world, this violent, chaotic, beautiful, inspiring, magical world of ours, there may be some drama because Sun opposite Pluto can be truly explosive. It can be very dramatic. We can see acts of real cruelty and vengeance. Abuses and misuses of power are very common experiences or expressions of this transit. So I want to remind you of this: you have a lot of power. You may feel powerless. I mean, we all feel powerless with this verkakte world. But we have power.


The systems we live in, the governments that are our overlords, our governmental overlords, our corporate overlords⁠—they want us to focus on our individuality instead of community. They want us to feel disempowered, disheartened, deflated, helpless, and hopeless because when that happens, we don't come together with each other, for each other. We don't form unions. We don't form coalitions. We don't take to the streets en masse. We don't engage in mutual aid. We don't take care of each other. We fight each other. And when we fight each other, our backs are turned to them.


But make no mistake, my loves. Make no mistake. If you're going to give your energy to some drama this week, let it be the dramas that directly affect your life and the planet you live on and not stupid shit that doesn't matter and isn't your business. You know what I mean? You have power. We have an amazing collective power. So, if you're feeling demoralized, if you're feeling like you don't know what to do, seek community. Whether it's your group of friends, a community center or community action in the place you live, or if it's online community, digital community⁠—wherever you seek it, seek community because you're not alone. What you're feeling, what you're fearing, what you're hoping for⁠—you're not alone. And when we come together, shit changes.


Pluto is in Aquarius. Pluto is in Aquarius⁠—community, coalition, mutual aid. When we come together, we can build something new, something different. Now, Pluto is moving back into fucking Capricorn. You know it. I know it. We know it. So we're in a bad situation. But whatever zodiac sign a planet is in, it's important that we never forget that we are the majority. When we come together⁠—talking about women, racialized people, Queer people, disabled people⁠—when we come together, we are an unstoppable force. We just need to stop fighting each other and to start building coalitions together.


Now, again, it's a Full Moon this week, so I'm not saying this is a great time for building coalitions, because it's just not. But it's a great time for getting out of your own way, for unplugging from limiting ways of thinking, limiting behaviors. It's a time for pulling back from things that hurt instead of help, that have you focused on the wrong thing, the wrong person, or the wrong problem.


Now, that brings us to the last transit of the week, I'm happy to say, and it's a really good one. On Thursday, July 25th, at 7:32 p.m. Pacific Time, the Sun at 3 degrees and 37 minutes of Leo forms an exact sextile to Mars at the same degrees of Gemini. This is a lovely, dynamic spark of energy. So we're no longer feeling the Sun opposition to Pluto, but we're going to be a little battered, a little bruised, maybe.


The Sun sextile to Mars is a really reinforcing, strengthening transit. The Sun is your will, and Mars is your ego. And a sextile is a dynamic, harmonious burst of energy between the two planets. And so here we have a boost of passion, confidence, motivation, inspiration. This transit can make you feel more resilient and strong in your body and your psyche. If there is something that you need to apologize for, if you need to face something that came up during the Full Moon, if there is something that has just been kind of intimidating for you, this is the transit that will help you to actively choose to engage with whatever is up.


This transit marks a great time to start something. And seriously, you want to giddyap and get in there on making decisions and starting something new because Mercury, like I said⁠—retrograding as of August 4th. This transit is just lovely for flirting, hooking up, playing, getting involved in adventures, being involved in any kinds of sports. Sports? Yeah, sports. It's anything competitive and playful. And because Mars and the Sun can both be a little individualistic, this is a nice transit, actually, for group efforts, like group sports. I obviously don't know much about sports, but group sports⁠—that's a good use of this energy.


If you are single or simply looking to mingle, Sun sextile Mars is your buddy. It's a great transit for just having the juj, spreading the juj, picking up the juj that others are putting down. It's jujy. This is a lovely transit for moving through energies and emotions and situations that may feel limiting or stuck. It's good news I've got for you, good news.


Now, like I said, that's the last exact transit of this week. I'm going to run through the transits one more time. On the 21st, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn, a Venus sextile to Jupiter, a Mercury square to Uranus, a Sun trine to Neptune, and by golly, we've got a Mars trine to Pluto. On the 22nd, we have an exact opposition between the Sun and Pluto. And by the way, happy Leo Season. And then, on the 25th, the Sun forms an exact sextile to Mars, and Mercury moves into Virgo. That's what's up. That's your horoscope.


I want to thank you so much for joining me here for my love letter to you and to astrology on Ghost of a Podcast. If you haven't already subscribed to the show, please do hit that Follow or Subscribe button. And if you get value from my work, please do consider giving it a little five stars or writing a kind review.


And as always, if you would like to learn more with me, you can check out the Shop page of my website and see that I have tons of webinars that teach you all manner of astrology and just a little bit of woo, or join me over on Patreon.


All right. Take good care of yourself and others, and I will talk to you in just a couple of days. Buh-bye.