Ghost of a Podcast with Jessica Lanyadoo

August 10, 2024

454: Horoscope – Mars, Jupiter, & Saturn


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Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.


Welcome back to Ghost of a Podcast, where we don't only talk about horoscopes;

we talk about how astrology reflects our humanity and how we can engage our humanity as we navigate through life using the tool of astrology⁠—or not.


We're going to look at the transits for August 11th through the 17th of 2024, but I've got to tell you we are in it. We are in it. We are in it now, and we don't get out of it for some time. You don't need to be an astrologer to know we are in exceptional times. All you have to do is look around the world to know that that's the case. But astrology is the tool that we use here.


From my perspective, astrology is just that. It's a tool. It's not a belief system. I mean, I don't believe in astrology myself, although of course it does require some amount of spiritual or philosophical belief or acceptance or openness in order to work with it. But for me personally, astrology is really just a tool, and it's not exactly the point of my work. It's not the motivation on its own.


The point of using astrology, for me as a humanistic astrologer, is using it as a tool to help you to live well, to live in alignment, to live ethically and with joy and love. And this is important because I am a humanistic astrologer; it's the kind of astrology I practice. There is a lot that can be done with astrology. But my worry, my concern, is that sometimes we use astrology as a way to kind of distance ourselves from what we're experiencing.


It's easy for many of us to feel like, "If I know what's coming, if I know mentally, cognitively, what the transits are and what's going to be happening, then I'm somehow insulated from the suffering associated with it." Sometimes having astrological information about what's coming really does help us to protect ourselves. It helps us to cultivate the tools in order to best cope with whatever it is that's around the corner.


And knowledge is power, right? Information is power. Knowledge can help you to navigate your inner world and the world around you. And also, there's no way through it other than through it. That's just how it is. So there's a risk that listening to a horoscope or obsessively casting charts and all that kind of stuff is essentially a distraction; it's something to get fixated on that doesn't actually help you to live in this moment, to show up for this moment.


And I want to invite you, with this week's horoscope and all the things that you do with astrology or that I do with astrology, to know that if your use of astrology isn't helping you to cope with your real life, then what is it doing? What is it really doing? What I hope to do here on Ghost of a Podcast and in my work in general is to acknowledge what's happening on the real and to give you tools that you can use in whatever ways you see fit to work with yourself⁠—like your inner world, your life⁠, within your communities, in your personal relationships, your professional relationships⁠—and with the world at-large. That's my hope.


And because of how quickly so many things are happening right now⁠, on my Patreon, I'm doing a lot of pulling of charts of current events and The Heritage Foundation or Harris's chart or whatever. I'm pulling all these charts that are relative to this moment. And it's once again kind of confronting me with this larger question that I struggle with as an astrologer is, what is relevant? What is constructive?


In my many years of being an astrologer, I have encountered countless people who use astrology to try to essentially distance themselves from their own lived experience or from the world. And I think that's always a risk with New Age spirituality or spirituality in general. And so it's something that's top of my mind⁠—what to share, how to share it, what's interesting but not particularly helpful, and what's actually helpful and constructive and information you can use.


Now, if you listened to the year-ahead horoscope that I did for 2024, you may remember that I talked about the theme of paradox being a really big one this year. And I think I probably mentioned it in recent episodes of the weekly horoscope as well. When confronted by a paradoxical truth, what you find is that anything is true, and also, a different and contradicting thing is true at the same time. It's this, but it's also that.


Astrology helps us to navigate the future, but it can also help us to disassociate from the present. It's paradoxical. You can agree with me on five out of the ten things I say and disagree with me on the other five. Does that mean one of us is right and the other is wrong? Does that mean one of us is ethical and the other one is not; one of us is a good person and the other one is not? Maybe, but absolutely not inherently.


Being able to navigate your truth in the presence of other people is a really important skill. The strength of your convictions are tested when you're in the presence of disagreement or contrast. And contrast can be our contrasting views on the world, our contrasting needs in this moment, or it can be an energetic thing; we both have the same views and the same needs, but the energy with which or the ways in which we go about meeting those needs is in contrast, not the same. It's not completely aligned.


And this happens on the inside of each and every one of us. We have contrasting needs. We have dueling needs. And while you yourself are one individual human, you are a complex universe full of contradictions. And when we have the ability to stay present with our competing and conflicting impulses and needs, we get that much closer to synthesis and integration, which doesn't require perfection. It doesn't require everything being equal at all times.


When the strength of your convictions is tested and you're experiencing contrast, a lot of people double down. I would say all of us double down at least sometimes, and we get defensive. That can be, again, in your internal conversation, in your relationships with people, or in movement work, etc. When we double down and get defensive, what it often reveals is our own insecurities, our own lack of ability to stay firm and present with what we are convicted around or with our own uncertainties and letting that be okay.


We live in a world that is littered with distractions and that is full of contradictions and contrast. It is tempting to allow yourself to become fixated on distractions or on differences that aren't really about you, that don't help you to focus on. My hope for you this week, given the astrology of this moment but also in general, is that you allow yourself to have fun and indulge in things that are fun and not that consequential, but when you're really fixated, when you're really putting a lot of energy or a lot of time behind a thing, that you are devoting those precious resources of your time and energy and efforts to things that are actually important.


One of my biggest motivations of creating this twice-weekly podcast is not actually astrology. I mean, that's in my motivation structure, obviously. I'm very motivated around that. But my primary motivation is to help give you tools to cultivate, develop, and deepen your emotional intelligence, your ability to stay emotionally, mentally, physically, behaviorally present when things are hard⁠—because things get hard.


When you're feeling threatened, insecure, frightened, when you're in the presence of paradox or contrast, it is really hard to stay emotionally present and not get reactive out of your triggers as opposed to your clear intentions. When we practice cultivating the emotional chops required to stay present with uncertainty and paradox and fear and contrast and all these things, life gets easier to navigate.


These are transformational and revolutionary times. And in order for you to be a person who evolves with those times, who changes your mind and grows and changes your behaviors, you've got to also allow other people to evolve and change. And that's really hard. A lot of us are really rigid with other people, and we can be punishing. We can be judgmental, all that kind of shit. And that's really a reflection on how you treat yourself.


Whether we're talking about your personal life or politicians or movements or your goals⁠—whatever it is, it's important to be willing and able to adapt and to let other people do the same, to be present with contrast. The way that I engage with, let's say, masking in the context of the ongoing airborne pandemic may be radically different than the way you engage with it. But if we can practice being present with whatever emotions⁠, you know, the topic of masking or the reality of masking or not masking brings up in each of us as individuals without going into condemnation or defensiveness, without shutting down or acting out, then we both evolve. We both benefit. And we have a greater chance of building communities together, even with our differences.


This adaptability, this allowing other people and yourself to be who you are, does not mean you absolve yourself or others of accountability, because we all must be accountable to ourselves and to others, especially because things are so destabilized. Things are so chaotic. And when we are most destabilized is when we tend to act out the most. When we feel frightened is when we feel entitled to act out the most.


So, if you think about that Sisyphus ball that is inherent to so much of life, whether it's in your own healing journey, as you evolve, or it's at work, in your relationships, in your efforts to make change in the world⁠—when you think about it as pushing a rock up a hill, the key is to not take the weight of the rock or the incline of the hill personally. You may not have chosen the heaviness of the rock. You may not have chosen the steepness or angle of the incline of the hill.


But if you are choosing to engage the rock, to push it up the hill, you are actively engaging with your free will and your agency. You're making choices. Maybe you didn't choose the conditions, but you're making choices within your conditions, and that is the best we can do in life. So, if you're not frittering away your energy by taking it personally that the rock is so heavy and the hill is so steep, then you can focus on what's actually important. You can focus on getting that fucking rock up the hill.


When you're able to locate your agency, your free will, to recognize where and how you're making choices and align yourself with those choices⁠—like really get behind your choices⁠—you have more energy. And this is related to the concept of acceptance, which I've talked about ad nauseum over the years on this podcast, acceptance being self-awareness and not consent.


If you are aware that the rock is heavy and the hill is steep, then you can just focus on your choice to try to move that rock up the hill. And again, this is ultimately about emotional intelligence. It's about being willing and able to align with your choices and navigate from there.


This week, I want to invite you to be mindful about what you're choosing, what you're taking personally, and whether or not the things that you're taking personally are about you or personal to you. So, essentially, what I'm talking about is where you're devoting your precious and limited energy to and whether or not it's in alignment with your own best interests and values. This is a time that is consequential. It's consequential for you personally, but it's also consequential for the world. There is so much happening now, and how you and I⁠—how we all⁠—choose to show up and engage is a reflection on each and every one of us as individuals.


And within that, it's important to hold space for⁠—not just theoretical ideas, but really emotionally hold space for⁠—no one is perfect. You have made mistakes for sure. I have made mistakes for sure. No one is perfect. It's a bad goal. It's okay to make mistakes. Just do your best to learn from them. And it's okay to allow other people to learn and adapt and grow from their mistakes. Not everyone is learning and growing, and that is hard because you're not going to always be around people who are on a healing journey and doing their best. That's where your discernment comes in.


But the point here is cultivate the emotional tools, behavioral tools, the mental tools⁠—all the tools⁠ needed to try, struggle, and succeed, and over again. Navigating through your feelings, through your own emotional triggers and defenses and insecurities, your hopes, your desires, your yearning⁠—learning how to navigate all of it, it's lifetime work. It's not something you're supposed to get by a certain age or whatever. It's a practice.


Now, all of that said, I want to wrap it back into this week's horoscope, which you're about to get. This week, we're going to talk about a couple of transits that are actively connected to a larger transit that is exact next week on the Full Moon. And that Full Moon is going to be B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Okay? It's going to be bananas. That's on the 19th. But also, on the 19th, Jupiter square to Saturn will be in exactitude, and this transit is going to affect us off and on through next year. So everything that I'm talking to about right now is relevant to that Jupiter square to Saturn.


Jupiter in astrology is related to a sense of adventure and freedom. It's related to an enthusiastic use of your free will, your imagination and possibility. Saturn tends to get really fixated and focused on probability, on working with existing realities that have already proven themselves one way or another in the past. Saturn is kind of conventional collective conditions. It's reality principle.


The tension, which I'm going to talk a lot more about in next week's episode and a little bit more throughout this episode, between Jupiter and Saturn is really, in a meaningful way, the tension around how we put our lives together. It's about how you've organized your insides because Saturn is related to your internal structure. It's the systems that we have created in our lives, in our communities, our cities, states, provinces, countries, and in the global community.


Do those structures keep us safe, or do they keep us small? What is and isn't working? Looking at your life, the world⁠—whatever⁠—to understand what structures that we have are too limiting and which ones aren't strong enough⁠—where do we need more freedom, and where do we need a more global and community-minded approach? These are some of the questions that the Jupiter square to Saturn is meant to have us asking.


This transit is meant to show us what's not working. That's the function of it. A lot of us, when we become clear about something not working, we shut down, we get defensive⁠—all the things we've been talking about. But it's not personal. Saturn just wants you to know, hey, this isn't working, not so that you feel bad about yourself, but so you can adapt, so you can fix it.


Whenever we go through squares to Saturn⁠—whether, again, it's collective or personal⁠—we're meant to prune, to prune things back. And if you've ever had a garden or done any gardening, you know that pruning things back sometimes means cutting back plants that look like they're doing pretty well, but you need to cut them back for now to invest in next season. And sometimes it means cutting back things that you're like, "Oh shit. This is not thriving. This is not working in this location, or it's just outlived its purpose."


Such is the nature of a Jupiter square to Saturn. We're going to need to figure out what's thriving and what we want to create better conditions to help to thrive. You're likely to become aware of or differently aware of what needs to be culled or pulled back. And within that, don't take it personally. The seasons change. Conditions change. Things evolve. Some things struggle, and they struggle to thrive. And some things struggle as a sign that they're not right anymore. And it just takes a willingness to explore which is which in order to come to the truth, whatever that means for you at this time or for us on a collective level at this time. The potential here is that we can collaborate with our conditions to co-create something better, something sustainable, something good. That's the damn assignment.


Okay. Now let's dive into this week's horoscope. Like I said, we are looking at the astrology of August 11th through the 17th. And the first transit of this week is a Mars conjunction to Jupiter. That's on Wednesday, August 14th, and it's exact at 8:22 a.m. Pacific Time. Now, this transit is really interesting, especially in conjunction with the larger astrology of this moment because, yes, Mars is conjunct Jupiter⁠—I'll break this down in a moment⁠—but also, Mars is square to Saturn.


So Mars is very, very close to Jupiter and Saturn, which kind of implicates it in this larger transit of Jupiter square to Saturn. And so it takes the kind of typical meaning of that Jupiter square to Saturn, and it gives it a Mars vibe. So what is Mars? Mars is ambition and passion and activation, kind of like being triggered but also being actively engaged, starting something new. Mars is a planet that's associated with chemistry and fornicating and making a move. You know what I mean? In any context, making a move⁠—how we make that move, the energy with which we make our move⁠—that's Mars.


When one shoots one's shot, one is often activating from Mars. Mars is also, of course, associated with policing and the military and fighting, even⁠—it's associated with guns. Mars is related to the ego and can be related to violence and aggression. In the context of the big picture of astrology, the Mars conjunction to Jupiter is shifted. And this is really important, especially if you're an astrology student. We don't just want to look at one individual placement in your birth chart. We don't just want to look at one individual transit in our weekly horoscope. We want to understand the synthesis of it all, the context of it all.


And so Mars conjunction to Jupiter on its own is kind of an exciting transit. A lot of good can come from this transit. The reason why is because Mars conjunction to Jupiter can coincide with a feeling of confidence and optimism. This is a great transit for getting something going, starting a big project, big because of Jupiter. Jupiter is all about expansion, optimism, adventure, and Mars is motivation. So, if you're traveling and you don't mind dealing with a little Mercury Retrograde mishigas⁠—because we know where we are; Mercury is still Retrograde⁠—then this is actually really an exciting time to start something new.


This transit can coincide with a particularly good time for a new physical regimen, something to revitalize or reform your health because of Jupiter, and we're considering the Mercury Retrograde a little bit here. The trick with Mars conjunction to Jupiter is that boost of confidence, that boost of energy, can also be a boost of aggression, a boost of anger, a boost of entitlement. So it depends on who and what's getting boosted whether or not this boost is a good thing.


Now, we've been under the influence broadly⁠, and increasing day by day⁠, since the end of July. The kind of passion and engagement, but also aggression and anger, that can be triggered by this transit⁠—we can see it in the world, how it has been as the transit has been getting closer and closer to exactitude. We've been able to see in the world a spike in anger but also a spike in passion. On the positive and the negative, we can see the influence of this transit.


And in your personal life, you may have been feeling⁠—and certainly, you're likely to be feeling on and around this date⁠—impatient, like, "I want to get going. I want to make it happen. Why hasn't it happened yet?" This excitement can lead to impatience really quickly with this transit. So you may be feeling the fortifying, strengthening effects of this transit, or you may be feeling the kind of rougher part, the part where your impatience or your anger is getting the better of you.


On a different day, a Mars conjunction to Jupiter⁠—I would have a lot more positive things to say. I would be waxing poetic. However, this transit very closely overlaps with the Mars square to Saturn. On Thursday, the 15th, at exactly 10:30 p.m. Pacific Time, we have Mars forming an exact square to Saturn. That's a close overlap. We're talking about just a day apart.


Now, Mars square to Saturn is a very different vibe. Mars square to Saturn is a transit with Mars's ego energies, Mars's passion, Mars's motivation, Mars's agitation and anger feeling thwarted by Saturn, which is circumstances, which is authority figures, which is law and order, which is responsibility. So, while we are going through this larger transit of the Jupiter square to Saturn, Mars is inserted, kicking up anger, defensiveness, passion, and willfulness. The sense of entitlement is very tightly linked to Mars.


And as I've been looking at the astrology of this moment, I can't help but think about and acknowledge what's going on in the UK, race riots from neo-Nazi white supremacists⁠—I don't know what to call them. But it is unfortunately a very ugly articulation of these energies. And I'm not suggesting that these transits alone are responsible for what's happening there, but I certainly see them as a part of it.


And so I want to just take a moment, just a human moment, to acknowledge you. If you're a racialized person, a Muslim person living in the UK and going through this fucking terrifying time, I just want to acknowledge you because it is terrifying and heartbreaking. And if you are a white person in the UK, I want to encourage you to put your body in the streets, to show up in material ways for racialized people, for Muslims, for immigrants, whenever you can, however you can. This is a call to showing up. And the energetics of these transits articulate both the drive to show up, but also the impediments of showing up. These are exceptionally challenging conditions and also challenging astrology.


Now, to the Mars square to Saturn, which is, again, overlapping with the Jupiter⁠—so Mars conjunction to Jupiter, it creates a motivation to make things happen, to act, and an entitlement to act. Mars square to Saturn creates defensiveness, creates frustration, creates inhibited circumstances. So, if you've been listening to this podcast for years, then you've heard me say this before. But a Mars square to Saturn I often think of as kind of like being stuck in traffic. You're just blocked in in traffic. You're running late to something you don't want to go to, but you absolutely have to get there on time.


And the feelings and the thoughts and the way your body reacts⁠—that is classic Mars square to Saturn energies. Because there's nothing you can do, circumstances are in your way, and yet you've got to do something. And so this transit can often just, again⁠—all those passions, all those things that Mars makes us feel⁠—Saturn is like, "Limitation. Scarcity. Block. Consequence. Limitation. Scarcity. Block. Consequence." It's frustrating.


Now, technically speaking, the way this transit can play out⁠—and certainly because Jupiter is involved, it is potentially more likely that it will turn out this way. But this transit can turn out to motivate you to act in ways that reflect an evolved ego, where it's like, "I don't just want this for me. I want this for us. And I'm willing to work in coalition to make a thing happen," where if you are, let's say, a retiring person who has a really hard time with your ego, if you've been having a really low psychological or physiological health issues, this transit can give you a juj to start something, to follow through with something. That certainly is possible.


But the most common experience and expression of this transit is feeling limited or blocked. That's from, again, circumstances, time. Often, it's authority figures. Saturn shows up as authority figures. And sometimes you're dealing with an authority figure; it's like the law or your landlord or your boss. And sometimes you're in a relationship with somebody, and the dynamic is that they are the more Saturnian type. And so your reaction to them is that they're an authority figure, even if you're technically on equal ground.


The worst thing to do this week in general, and certainly on these two days, is to impulsively⁠—Jupiter and Mars⁠—act out. That is the worst thing to do because if you do that, you will find yourself being defensive. And that can lead to paranoia. That can lead to acting in ways that reflect your fears instead of your intentions.


Now, you might not be able to do anything but react impulsively, in which case⁠—you gotta do what you gotta do, right? However, these transits are kind of a master class in dealing with frustration, in dealing with feeling blocked or actively working to block something or someone⁠—right? Because you might be on the other side. This transit of Mars square to Saturn⁠—it wants you to work with existing realities. It wants you to work with what's happening here and now instead of what might happen tomorrow.


There is an urgency to these transits because of Jupiter and Mars. The urgency that those two planets bring of, "I need progress now. I need to make it happen. I need to push myself forward. We need to change this for us now," is real. And it must be honored and experienced.


And also, if we let that urgency drive us instead of that urgency plus Saturn⁠—right? So that urgency plus wisdom, learning from the past, that urgency plus responsibility⁠—responsibility to our own selves and to others⁠—that urgency plus an understanding of one of the core principles of Saturn, which is you live in a community. You live in a society. And how you do or don't acknowledge that, how you do or don't participate in that, has consequences.


And so that might be showing up in your attitude towards things. It might be showing up in our social movements. That might be showing up in how you get on at work or not. It can be on so many different levels. But this transit is confronting. It's confronting. So, if you have an opportunity to start something new and somebody's trying to schedule an important meeting or they need to make an important decision on or around this date, yeah, I'd put it off if you can, because you add to this the fact that that Mercury is still Retrograde⁠—the fuck? What are we supposed to do? It's just it's hard to work with this energy.


So I want to encourage you to consider, to consider this week and in the coming weeks, the strength of your passions, how you do or don't embody those passions, how you are participating⁠—how you're participating in your life, how you're relating to your body⁠—because these transits can have a meaningful impact on your physical health because Mars is related to the body and embodiment in general. How do you navigate your reactions so that you can be intentional with your responses? How have you been engaging with your responsibilities? And what is your relationship to the concept of responsibility—to the self, to the people close to you, to community, etc.?


If you want to make the greatest use of these transits, these are things to be contemplating and to be on guard for these questions to get triggered in your life. Jupiter is related to possibility, while Saturn is pretty locked into probability. And Mars is just activating it all. And so, within that, you get to learn something about yourself and others and the world around you, around how we engage with the tension between possibility and probability, between hope and scarcity. And these are difficult things, but they're well worth engaging with.


One last thing I want to say about these transits is Saturn is related to depression, and Mars is related to your body. Because of this, if you're somebody who experiences depression in a really visceral way, this transit is likely to trigger you. And that trigger is not inherently bad. That trigger, especially because of Jupiter's presence, may help you to shift something inside of you, to make a behavioral adjustment, to have a shift in awareness that makes a difference somehow, or it may just activate depression in your system.


In either case, all you can do is show up and respond, right? Responsibility⁠—just the ability to respond. So it's about showing up and responding and doing so with as much integrity as you can. It's a heavy bucket of energy, but here we are.


Now, there is another transit that is nestled in between these two transits that I'm happy to share with you because it is a supportive transit. On Thursday the 15th, we have an exact trine between the Sun and Chiron. And that's exact at 10:13 a.m. So the Mars square to Saturn is at 10:30 p.m., and this one's 10:13.  So it's right in between the Mars conjunction to Jupiter and the Mars square to Saturn.


And the Sun trine to Chiron is a really supportive transit, which we could use. This transit helps you to go deep. It helps you to have the energy with which to confront your shit, basically, like to confront your core wounding and your activation. This transit not only supports you in being able to deal with those parts of yourself, but also, it gives you the willingness to do so.


So, whether this is about how you feel seen or held by others or how you see and hold yourself, the Sun trine to Chiron can be really empowering. It's not like a tra-la-la, skipping-through-the-forest kind of vibe. But it is a really supportive and empowering transit, and it can help you to cope with whatever it is the comes up in this period. And again, we could really use the assist.


One more thing I want to say about this week's horoscope is that we are feeling the effects of the Mercury Retrograde square to Uranus by week's end. And again, this is something I will talk about more in next week's forecast. But Mercury Retrograde square to Uranus is destabilizing. It's a little chaotic. And it intensifies the Mercury Retrograde vibes.


So, second half of the week or week's end, you can expect more technical difficulties, more internety technological problems, mishaps, perhaps the breaking of information that's not fully baked⁠—that might be misinformation, disinformation, or just reporting what's based on misunderstandings. We want to be aware of that, and we want to be aware of the effects that this transit can have on your nervous system. Mercury is your mind. Uranus is your nervous system.


And so information is going to be moving fast. You may be feeling pressure internally or externally to figure shit out and make plans quickly. But Saturn says no. Saturn says no. And we want to listen to Saturn. So, again, this comes back to self-regulation because we can't regulate the world. You can't regulate the world, right? But you can practice regulating your own nervous system, your own impulses, your own emotions, your own actions. You have agency there.


I want to acknowledge that transit's coming⁠—again, we'll talk about it more next week⁠—but also remind you that you have agency. You have choice. Your choices aren't always easy or good, but you have choice. The more that you tap in and you take responsibility for what you're feeling, what you're thinking, what you're doing, how you're exercising your free will, your agency, the healthier you're going to be, the more resilient you will feel.


In the world of woo⁠—which we all exist to one extent or another, right? In the world of woo, I think we have a tendency sometimes to look outside of ourselves for signs. And I'm not saying that's a wrong thing to do. It's not right or wrong. It's a path. It's a choice. It's practice. And also, it can be a way of absolving yourself of agency. You're looking outside of yourself for a green light or a red light when what you sometimes need to be doing is looking inside.


So, this week, I want to encourage you to, again, really practice self-regulation. Next week is going to be a little chaotic, especially at the start of the week. So we're going to be feeling that pretty intensely. And the good news is you have tools. You have resources. And if you don't feel like you really do, well, you can listen to past episodes of this podcast. There are so many things that are online and free that are reliable, that are vetted resources that you can tap into to help you to cultivate tools to cope with your thoughts, your feelings, your impulses, and to help you navigate the choices that you do or don't make.


Now, I want to run through the transits one more time, this time including the exact degrees because I didn't share them with you. And I'm going to blame Mercury Retrograde and keep on moving. On Wednesday, August 14th, Mars and Jupiter are both at 16 degrees of Gemini and 44 minutes. That's a conjunction. It's exact at 8:22 a.m. Pacific Time. On Thursday, August 15th, we have the Sun at 23 degrees of Leo and 22 minutes and Chiron, same degrees of Aries. They are trine to each other exactly at 10:13 a.m. Pacific Time. And Mars will be at 17 degrees of Gemini and 42 minutes, forming an exact square to Saturn at the same degrees of Pisces. That's exact at 10:30 p.m. Pacific Time. And that, my friends, is your horoscope for this week.


If you want to get more astrology and woo with me, join me over on Patreon, or go over to my website and check out the classes that I have. And also, you can listen to past episodes and read the transcripts because I have transcripts for all the episodes on my website.


Also, I haven't mentioned this yet, but I really should: I have the honor of being the keynote speaker at the Witches Confluence on November 2nd in San Francisco. And the Witches Confluence in 2024 is dedicated to spiritual activism, which feels right the fuck on time. And if you're in the Bay Area, you can sign up and join over at I'll also put a link in episode description for you. My talk is going to be about energetic boundaries in times of chaos. And I hope to see you there.


Okay. I know this is going to be a bit of an intense week. My wish for you is that you take good care of yourself and others. I'll talk to you in just a couple of days. Buh-bye.