391: Horoscope - The 1st Week of 2024!

It's the first week of 2024! Mercury goes direct on the 1st, and we have an isolating square between Venus and Saturn as well as a transformative square between the Sun and Chiron. Start your week off right with this week's forecast!

390: 2024 Year Ahead Horoscope

Let's take a look at the astrology of 2024! Jessica takes you through the retrogrades of the year, Saturn and Neptune's continued transit through Pisces, as well as Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus. She touches on the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in the spring and explores U.S. presidential politics. Finally, she speaks on the monumental transit of Pluto in Aquarius—and its move back into Capricorn later this year.

389: What Does Embodiment Feel Like?

When you have a hard time being in your body, it can be tough to know what embodiment should feel like. A listener joins Jessica for help determining how she can know when she's experiencing embodiment and if there are any practices she can engage to help her get there. ✨Register for the December 30th live webinar Constellations + Crystals: Cosmic Tools for 2024 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jessica-lanyadoo-presents-constellations-crystals-tools-for-2024-tickets-777342190417?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1

388: Horoscope - The Last Full Moon of 2023 and Mercury + Mars Squares to ...

The last week of 2023 is busy! There will be an emotional Full Moon in Cancer on the 26th as well as several supportive transits peppered throughout the week. Confusion and anxiety are likely as both Mercury Retrograde and Mars form squares to Neptune. Come for inspiration, stay for practical life advice.

387: Empathy vs. Punishment

Content warning: this conversation touches on very sensitive subjects. Listener discretion is advised. The extreme violence in Palestine and Israel has impacted the entire world and brought up a range of emotions and reactions in most everybody. A listener joins Jessica for an extremely vulnerable conversation about right vs. wrong, judgments, righteous punishment, as well as how and why his empathy has met its limits.

386: A Very Mercury Retrograde Week

This week there will be three transits to Mercury Retrograde, a disruptive opposition between Venus and Uranus, and a shift into Capricorn season! ✨Register for the December 30th live webinar Constellations + Crystals: Cosmic Tools for 2024 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jessica-lanyadoo-presents-constellations-crystals-tools-for-2024-tickets-777342190417?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1

385: Emotional Boundaries for Empaths

Is this my anxiety?! A fellow empath joins Jessica to talk about the process of identifying the difference between other people's energies and their own. They of course touch on boundaries and so much more.

Donate to the Indigenous-led fundraising initiative, The Good Medicine Raffle for Palestine - running till December 21st: bit.ly/goodmedicine_raffle

384: Horoscope - Mercury Retrograde and a Messy New Moon in Sagittarius

This week starts with Mercury going retrograde in Capricorn and a powerful New Moon in Sagittarius. We have some empowering transits throughout the week, but it ends with an anxiety-producing square between the Sun and Neptune. Jessica tells you what to expect and gives you excellent advice for how to cope with the astrological energies of this important time.

383: How to Make Work Actually Work?

Service to community through self-employment is an extraordinary life path. But how to balance that with long-term financial self care? A GenX listener joins Jessica to unpack how to sustain their queer suiting business—and if they even should. https://www.thuycustomclothier.com/

382: Horoscope - Venus! Venus! Venus!

This week, Venus is busy! It squares Pluto, trines Saturn, and sits opposite to Jupiter. While there are some challenges, we finally have a week that's filled with supportive transits.

381: On Conflict and Being Wrong

Diplomacy is a central tenet for this week's guest. With a stellium in Libra, she seeks fairness in all interactions and conflicts. Jessica helps her sort through her tendencies and brings awareness to when it's time to take up more space.

380: Horoscope - Full Moon in Gemini + Upsets from Neptune and Pluto
379: The House Sparrow

A very special sparrow, Murdoch, who is an unreleasable rescue bird, and his beloved person join Jessica to discuss a big life decision. Murdoch’s human is moving away for grad school, and they want to know if Murdoch should move as well or stay in his current home with the rest of his human flock. Enjoy this tender animal communication episode!

378: Horoscope - Sextiles, a Trine, and a Couple Squares to Saturn

This week begins with some supportive transits that are important to tap into. These will help later in the week, just in time for Thanksgiving, when we have some challenging squares to Saturn from the Sun and Mars and a Venus opposition to Chiron that will kick up issues of self-worth. Listen to Ghost of a Podcast, astrology for real life.

377: Gender is a Drag

A listener joins Jessica to investigate their place on the gender spectrum as well as how their birth chart might help them find clarity. What does it mean to be out about one's gender, and is it necessary in all circumstances?

376: Horoscope - New Moon in Scorpio and Provocative Transits to Mars + Uranus

On the 13th there will be a New Moon in Scorpio and a disruptive opposition between the Sun and Uranus. The week ends with activity between the Sun and Mars, stirring up passions, defenses, and reactiveness.

375: A Blocked Heart

A listener feels blocked in their expression of love and intimacy with their closest people. They join Jessica to talk about ways of breaking generational trauma and expanding emotional possibility.

374: Horoscope – Two Oppositions to Uranus and Mercury Square Saturn

Get ready for more disruptive, defensive energy this week, alongside some pretty supportive transits. We’re still feeling the effects of the Venus opposition to Neptune and Mercury opposition to Uranus until the later part of the week, but luckily, we have supportive transits to both Pluto and Neptune active that will create opportunities for aligning with values, understanding one another, and more effectively communicating. There’s a depressing square between Mercury and Saturn as well as an explosive opposition between Mars and Uranus. Get your weekly tuneup on this week’s Ghost.

373: Witch Tips

Can just anyone harness witch-ability? Are witches more susceptible to energetic vulnerability? When is a GOOD time to do consciousness raising drugs? How can you access your inner witch when your mind keeps running interference? Jessica answers these questions from different listeners (and more!) in this week's special episode of Ghost. 🎟 Join me on November 5th for Astrology For Intuitives: Identifying Your Psychic Strengths Through The Birth Chart. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/astrology-for-intuitives-identifying-your-psychic-strengths-tickets-737154748697?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1

372: Horoscope - Oppositions to Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter, Plus an Intense ...

We're still feeling that Lunar Eclipse. And there is so much more action in the stars this week! It begins and ends with dramatic transits from Mercury to Mars and Uranus, and in between, we have overlapping oppositions between the Sun and Jupiter, plus Venus and Neptune. Expect things to move quickly, with the risk of defenses rising just as fast. This week's horoscope will help you cope with the bumpy ride ahead. 🎟 Join me on November 5th for Astrology For Intuitives: Identifying Your Psychic Strengths Through The Birth Chart. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/astrology-for-intuitives-identifying-your-psychic-strengths-tickets-737154748697?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1