371: Manifested or Man-infested?

Safety in relationships is so powerful in such a turbulent world. A listener loves his two amazing boyfriends, but he's struggling at the crossroads of holding on versus letting go. What to do when you've built a wonderful chosen family but are also feeling a deep need for change? Jessica talks nuance and the need to look beyond 2-option decision-making.

370: Horoscope - Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, Oppositions to Jupiter, and Lingering ...

On the 28th there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, and it’s pretty chaotic. Expect big emotions, big developments, and big opportunities for your own growth. The week starts with lingering impacts from the Sun and Mercury’s squares to Pluto, and we have some supportive trines to Saturn from the Sun and Mercury as well. Jessica acknowledges the complexity of the times we're living through, and offers some perspective and advice in this week's horoscope.

369: Should I Stop Cutting People Off?

Cutting people out of your life can be a powerful move, and can bring big personal transformations. When it becomes a modus operandi, however, it can shift into an emotional liability. How to keep the power and also evolve? A listener joins Jessica to unpack this very personal topic.

368: Horoscope - Sun + Mercury Square Pluto and Big Eclipse Feels

We are deep in eclipse season, and that means emotions are running deep and high! This week is very Plutonian with both a Mercury and a Sun Square to Pluto. This is a time that can bring out the worst in us if we do not tap into emotional nuance.

🎟 Join me on November 5th for Astrology For Intuitives: Identifying Your Psychic Strengths Through The Birth Chart. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/astrology-for-intuitives-identifying-your-psychic-strengths-tickets-737154748697?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1

367: Where do I belong?

Feeling out of place in every situation and relationship, a listener joins Jessica to investigate the source of that experience. They get to the root of the matter, talk self love, relationships, and more.

366: Horoscope - Solar Eclipse in Libra, Mars, Pluto, Saturn and Chiron, OH MY!

Get ready for a truly intense week! It starts off with a traumatic square between combative Mars and transformational Pluto, which overlaps with a Venus opposition to Saturn and Sun opposition to Chiron. By week's end, we have a solar eclipse in Libra. This is an episode you don’t wanna miss.

365: What Am I?

Being malleable is so valuable and dynamic. But how does that impact one's sense of self and center? Abigail joins Jessica for insight into the very elusive question: What am I?

364: Horoscope - Big Emotions, A Busy Mercury, + Mars Madness

Welcome to Eclipse season! Anxiety, defensiveness, and big emotions are included in this week’s horoscope. We'll be feeling the affects of a Mars Square to Pluto throughout the week as it builds towards exactitude next week. On the second Mercury forms an opposition to Neptune, kicking up anxieties. Luckily, on the third Mercury forms a trine to Pluto, which will have a stabilizing and grounding impact.

363: Walls vs Boundaries

Jessica encounters a psychic wall in her reading with this week's guest! Together, they explore what it means to block people energetically and how that can impact intimacy in relationships. They talk about changing the self as a form of caring for others, and so much more.

362: Horoscope - Full Moon in Aries & Other Explosions

Last week Jessica touched on the collective indications of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces; this time she unpacks the personal. This weaves into important themes around boundaries and emotional presence as this week involves two emo and important oppositions between planets in the Aries/Libra polarity: Mars in opposition to Chiron on the 24th and a Full Moon in Aries on the 29th. Luckily, we have two earthy trines from Mercury to Jupiter and Uranus to support us along the way. Come for the astrology, stay for the life skills. There's still time to register for The October Eclipses: A Humanistic Approach with Jessica Lanyadoo on September 30th! Do it here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-october-eclipses-a-humanistic-approach-with-jessica-lanyadoo-tickets-720546623347?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

361: I Am Eeyore

Grief and depression are exhausting. But what does it mean to embody them as assets, as actually vital parts of one's true nature? A therapist joins Jessica to talk about how (and if) to sustain their work with their beloved communities. Jessica goes deep Saturnian and unpacks the potential for joy, and for evolution, in a life of embodied service. 🌔 Register for The October Eclipses: A Humanistic Approach with Jessica Lanyadoo on September 30th here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-october-eclipses-a-humanistic-approach-with-jessica-lanyadoo-tickets-720546623347

360: Horoscope - The Sun + A Hot to Trot Fire Trine

The Sun is getting into it this week! First it sits opposite to Neptune, then trine to Pluto, and finally it leaves Virgo for Libra's airy pastures. Jessica touches on Saturn and Neptune's tenure in Pisces and how it's showing up in ourselves and the world right now.

🌔 Register for The October Eclipses: A Humanistic Approach with Jessica Lanyadoo on September 30th here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-october-eclipses-a-humanistic-approach-with-jessica-lanyadoo-tickets-720546623347

359: Family Boundaries in Crisis Mode

When family members live in a war zone, what does it mean to have appropriate boundaries? Is it the time to leave nothing unsaid, risking drama and hurt feelings, or to be more disingenuous in efforts to get along? A listener joins Jessica to talk about her relationship with her family in war-torn Sudan.

358: New Moon in Virgo + Mercury Stations Direct

It's a very Virgo week! On the 14th, the last day of Mercury Retrograde, there's a very important New Moon in Virgo. Jessica gives you spiritual and practical tools for making the most of both. By week's end, there are some uplifting and dynamic transits to tap into. Come for the astrology, stay for the practical life advice!

357: 3rd Saturn Return!

What's different about the 3rd Saturn Return? A very special 84 year-old listener joins Jessica to find out what it means to be approaching hers. They talk multi-generational family dynamics, career, and ways she'll be able to utilize her acquired wisdom through mentorship. They also go deep on her current transits, including Pluto opposite Pluto!

356: Horoscope - Venus Direct, Two Trines to Jupiter & Lots of Mercury Rx

Mercury is Retrograde, but as of the 3rd, Venus isn't! This week the Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury Rx are all close together, weaving opportunities for growth, learning, and good vibes.

355: Purpose and the 2nd Saturn Return!

The first Saturn Return gets a lot of attention, but what about the 2nd? Grace asks Jessica why her 2nd Saturn Return, while challenging, is going pretty smoothly. Jessica talks consequences, and they explore Saturn's impact on health during this important life juncture.

354: Horoscope - Full Moon in Pisces, Retrogrades, & Some Saturn Stuff

We have a Full, Blue Moon in Pisces on the 30th that comes with a bit of a thud (thanks, Saturn). Jessica touches on the erratic energies in the air, the Retrogrades, and more in this week's horoscope.

LAST CHANCE to register for Jessica's August 29th class, Mercury in Gatorade: A Mercury Retrograde Party here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mercury-in-gatorade-a-mercury-retrograde-party-registration-701405963117?aff=oddtdtcreator

353: What Does Empathy for Myself Even Mean?

A listener asks Jessica to delve into the functional meaning of having empathy for oneself. In engaging with the self empathetically, where are the boundaries of self-esteem versus an inflated ego, and how to manage this fine line? Mars, Mercury, and a Capricorn Moon play big in this deeply revealing reading.

🎟 Register for Jessica's August 29th class, Mercury in Gatorade: A Mercury Retrograde Party here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mercury-in-gatorade-a-mercury-retrograde-party-registration-701405963117?aff=oddtdtcreator

352: Horoscope - A Messy Mercury Retrograde Week

The stars have us feeling off! Venus Rx and Mars kick off the week by getting into some trouble that may have you feeling discombobulated, but by week's end, Mars connects with Pluto in an empowering way. Mid-week, Mercury joins Venus in Retrograde motion, and it's going to be a messy one! Listen here to know what to expect! Register for Jessica's August 29th class, Mercury in Gatorade: A Mercury Retrograde Party here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mercury-in-gatorade-a-mercury-retrograde-party-registration-701405963117?aff=oddtdtcreator