351: Lots of Questions!

An astrology app told one listener they're likely to stay unpartnered —is it true? Another listener doesn't understand why their Capricorn stellium isn't delivering the sign's promised benefits. On your crushes' charts: is it okay to peek? If you realllly really like them?? Is it possible to deviate from one's chart by making bad decisions? FInd out by tuning in!

350: Horoscope - New Moon in Leo, Venus Rx Action + Heaps of Uranian Energy

It’s an extra New Moon in Leo! Between that and Venus retrograde and Uranus making a lot of noise, this week promises to come with some serious twists and turns.

349: Breakup Blues!

Can obsessing on astrology be a trauma response? This week a listener who is post-breakup and struggling with obsessively seeking online spiritual content wants help understanding her own patterns around these behaviors. How can you know when your intuition is on point when searching for answers? Jessica talks meeting the meat suit before greeting the analyzer.

348: Horoscope - Venus Retrograde, Jupiter, Uranus & Chiron

Get ready for a breakdown on relationships and love, that touches on the Nodal sign shift and Venus Retrograde (Rx). This week Venus Rx will square Uranus, the Sun will square Jupiter, and there will be trines between Mercury & Jupiter, plus the Sun & Chiron. Jessica gives you practical advice for navigating all of it on Ghost.

347: Raised in a Cult!

Raised in a cult that was lead by their own family member, a listener wants to know what a Gemini placement says about telling their story as a writer. Jessica dives deep into their astrological oppositions and how living life differently does not mean just being opposite their family of origin.

🎟 Register here for the August 6th virtual gathering: Joy In The Time of Apocalypse, with me + adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/joy-in-the-time-of-apocalypse-tickets-672572441277?aff=oddtdtcreator —it's a much needed talk about how to thrive in these trying times.

346: Horoscope - Full Moon in Aquarius + Mercury Retroshade

Expect big emotions with the August 1st Full Moon in Aquarius! It’s likely to be a bit of a yo-yo as strong Jupiter vibes compete with the heaviness of a Mercury opposition to Saturn. Then Mercury begins its retroshady behavior, leading up to its retrograde later this month. Jessica also touches on Venus retrograde and aliens in this week's episode. Register here for the August 6th virtual gathering: Joy In The Time of Apocalypse, with me + adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/joy-in-the-time-of-apocalypse-tickets-672572441277?aff=oddtdtcreator —it's a much needed talk about how to thrive in these trying times.

345: Social Media & Authenticity!

What even is social media?! Aster is an artist who recently blew up on social media, and has very mixed feelings about it. She joins Jessica to talk about self promotion, making a difference, and showing up authentically on social media. Can all of those occur at the same time? And should they? Jessica helps Aster explore truths and ideals in this very relatable reading. There's still time to register for Joy In The Time of Apocalypse, with me + adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor. Register for a much needed talk about how to thrive in these trying times here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/joy-in-the-time-of-apocalypse-tickets-672572441277?aff=oddtdtcreator

344: Horoscope - Venus Retrograde, Mercury Square to Uranus + More!

It's "season of the ex", aka Venus Retrograde! Jessica reflects on how Venus Retrograde will impact love and relationships. We also have a disruptive square between Mercury and Uranus and a tender meetup between Mercury and Venus Retrograde. And there's still time to register for Joy In The Time of Apocalypse, with me + adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor. Register for a much needed talk about how to thrive in these trying times here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/joy-in-the-time-of-apocalypse-tickets-672572441277?aff=oddtdtcreator

343: Tony the Dragon and His Two Cats!

Meet Tony the Bearded Dragon! He and Jessica talk about his favorite snacks, home life, and so much more. Two household cats, Shadow & Jack, also join the conversation, and Jessica facilitates a tender connection with their beloved human.

342: Horoscope - New Moon In Cancer, Venus Retrograde, Plus Mars/Saturn & ...

This horoscope packs a real punch! Venus goes Retrograde until September; there’s a dramatic New Moon in Cancer; all the while Saturn and Pluto are making a ruckus. This is not an episode you want to miss!

341: Fearful of Everything!

Lavender is scared of everything! Or is she? Sometimes, deeply sensitive people are inclined towards self-protection that at core can feel like fear. Jessica and Lavender explore what it looks like to differentiate others' energy from oneself and how to get centered when an earth-light birth chart makes getting grounded an unlikely goal.

340: Horoscope - Mercury Mishegas, Chiron Challenges, and Some Sextiles

Get ready for triggers that will have you questioning pretty much everything! This week we have both a Mercury opposition to Pluto and a Sun square to Chiron that will kick up identity issues, obsessive thinking, and power struggles. Luckily, supportive transits bookend the week to help us navigate everything in between. Come for the astrology; stay for the practical life advice.

339: Grand Trine Envy!

Grand Trine envy - aka jealousy of folks with grand trines in their birth charts, can be a serious problem for the astrologically informed. "Natalie" has it, and she wants to know if she can access that sparkly grand trine energy, without having the aspect pattern in her own birth chart! Jessica turns the astro tables, talks about flow from the perspective of authenticity, and breaks down all the stereotypes in this week's astrology reading.

338: Horoscope - Full Moon in Capricorn, Some Pluto Talk, + Upsets From Uranus ...

Under the Full Moon in Capricorn, big feels meet emotional maturity, urging us to find balance between wants and needs. This week Jessica touches on current events in the context of Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius. She then details the rest of this week's transits so you know what to expect and how to best rise to the occasion.

337: T4T Love, A Couple's Reading!

Everyone loves a love reading! "Bubbles" and "Tea" want to know how they can each be more embodied in their relationship. Jessica highlights their powerful chemistry and directs them to first address and explore trouble in how they communicate. 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ !

336: Horoscope - Two Squares, Three Trines, Two Sextiles & A Conjunction!

Anxiety! Explosions! Then, ultimately, stabilizing energy promotes insight, realignment, and healing! There’s lot going on, but Jessica helps you to ride the wave and make the most of what’s possible with this week's horoscope.

335: Perimenopause—What Does It Even Mean?!

Marci is kind of freaking with the realization that she’s in perimenopause! Perimenopause (aka pre-menopause) is something most of us don’t talk about, but it's completely normal and effects half the population. As she struggles with energy levels, she and Jessica discuss the best ways for Marcy to cope with this important transition in life.

334: Horoscope - Sun Square Neptune, Jupiter Sextile Saturn, and a Whole Lot of ...

From anxiety to inspiration and all the way around to embodiment, this week's astrology has it all! It starts off with a Sun square to Neptune, which may be anxiety-provoking, but it brings with it valuable lessons. An important sextile between Jupiter and Saturn supports us in planning and making our dreams more reachable. That brings us to a couple of sextiles involving Mercury, Mars, and Chiron, and then the week ends with an empowering trine between Mars and the wounded healer itself.

333: Question Roundup!

Jessica answers several listener questions in this special episode! When scheduling a c-section, should a baby’s zodiac sign be taken into consideration? Can the stars tell you the best time to flee a dangerous situation? Jessica answers these and so many more in the week’s roundup.

332: Horoscope - Pluto Back in Capricorn & a New Moon in Gemini!

Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn, and it's downright monumental! Jessica explains what we can expect from this transition, touching on the Pluto return of the USA. There are a few supportive transits throughout the week, and then we have a somewhat discombobulating New Moon in Gemini. This week's astrology and advice will leave you inspired!