411: Spiritually Alone

When we can't feel our ancestors presence, is it because we don't matter to them? A listener experiencing a time of deep spiritual aloneness joins Jessica to talk about ancestors, guides, connection, and support.

Register for Jessica's March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology ⁠here: ⁠https://www.tickettailor.com/events/lovelanyadoo/1185805

410: Horoscope - New Moon in Pisces

Get ready for the New Moon in Pisces on the 10th — and for eclipse season to begin soon after! Register for Jessica's March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/lovelanyadoo/1185805

409: How To Show Up in Revolutionary Times

These are revolutionary, reactionary times! Logan Grendel joins Jessica to discuss what their chart indicates about how they might best participate and contribute to the world. Personal connection based on values is one of several key factors that play large in this explorative reading.

408: Horoscope - Uranus Troubles + a Mercury Conjunction to Neptune

Uranus will be shaking things up this week when both Venus and Mars form challenging aspects to it. These transits are progressive and revolutionary while also being disruptive and upsetting—fun! Midweek, we have a confusing conjunction between Mercury and Neptune in sensitive Pisces. Jessica explains what it means and how to best work with these energies.

407: Will I Ever Love My Job?

"Lazy & Unbothered" asks Jessica how she might find motivation and energy for career. Is it the job or is just her personality that has her lacking interest in her chosen field of work? Jessica helps her distinguish between external forces and internal drives.

406: Horoscope - Jupiter Opens Some Doors and Saturn Closes Some

There is such fertile energy for making things happen this week! An expansive square between Mars and Jupiter kicks off the week, and later we'll experience a heavy conjunction between the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Pisces.

405: Am I Unknowable?

How can you reach real intimacy with other humans when your feel completely unknowable? RiRi joins Jessica for another #BlackLove reading, and they delve into what their chart has to say about being unknowable. They touch on how to truly be yourself when it feels like other people are deciding who you are in relationships and how to stay with the parts of self that you may not even know.

404: Horoscope - Full Moon in Virgo + Big Pisces Vibes

t’s a consequential Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th, and Jessica has tips for the best ways to engage with the upcoming energies. And get ready as the vibe shifts when both the Sun and Mercury enter into Pisces, intensifying intuition and kicking up overwhelm. Come for the astrology; stay for the reliable life advice!

403: A Lesbian U-Haul + A Cat

A time-honored queer tradition makes a cameo in this week's reading: the lesbian U-haul! Vanessa joins Jessica to delve into her recent u-haul marriage, decision-making patterns in relationships, and letting go of pain from the past. Vanessa's cat also joins, opening up the conversation up even more.

402: Horoscope - Venus & Mars Conjunct Pluto + a Uranus Shake Up

It’s Valentine’s Day this week, and the timing couldn’t be worse for Venus and Mars to both sit on top of Pluto, triggering defenses, intense feelings, and the potential for major power struggles. This is going to be an important week to say what you mean and mean what you say. Come for the astrology, stay for the invaluable life advice.

401: Finding the Way Back To Me

Angela grew up with a parent with mental illness, and has had the realization that she's spending her life proving her worthiness to others. She wants to turn her attention inward, and wonders what her birth chart has to say about self-love and trauma.

400: Horoscope - New Moon in Aquarius and A Bunch of Disruptive Transits

Jessica touches on Pluto in Aquarius and then dives straight into a very busy week in the stars. We have challenging transits from Venus and Mercury to Chiron and Pluto, an unpredictable New Moon in Aquarius, and Uranus shaking things up!

399: Dying Well

Zelda the dog has cancer, and her human joins Jessica to talk about how she can best support her canine friend through her transition. Jessica connects the listener with her pet in this very touching episode.

398: Horoscope - It's All Trines + A Sextile

It's all trines this week! We have supportive transits happening all week for a change. Jessica explains how to make the most of this lovely shift in the stars.

397: Bad Venus

An astrologer told Mauli she has a "piss-poor" Venus placement and it's haunted them ever since. They join Jessica to investigate how to work with their 12th house Pisces Venus instead of against it.

396: Horoscope - Full Moon in Leo + A Very Busy Chiron

Your horoscope starts with a breakdown of the super intense Full Moon in Leo, happening on January 25th. This week includes two squares to Chiron from Mars and Mercury that will kick up some painful dynamics—but they also come with the tools to overcome those dynamics! Things are messy and emotional, but there's meaning in it to be uncovered. Tune in to Ghost for that and more.

395: I Hate My Face

What do you do when the root cause of most of your anxiety is your face? A listener who works as an actor wants to untangle her understanding of beauty. She joins Jessica for an investigation of her own thoughts about what it means to be beautiful, ugly, or even deformed. They discuss cosmetic surgery and the internalization of cultural standards. Trigger Warning: This reading may be upsetting, as issues related to ED, cultural standards around beauty, ugliness, and other sensitive self-worth issues are addressed in this episode. Listener discretion is advised.

394: Horoscope - Pluto in Aquarius, the Sun Meets Up with Pluto, and Venus ...

Buckle up: this is going to be a very intense week! Pluto meets up with the Sun in the literal final moment of Pluto being in Capricorn, and it's going to be triggering. Jessica explains Pluto's move into Aquarius and what to expect, as well as how we're gong to feel under the influence of the anxiety-producing square between Venus and Neptune.

393: So Many Questions!

Jessica answers several questions: Why do I feel sad that I broke up with my TERF friend? Why do I always? Can I be an astrologer if I’m bad at math? Why do I always want to date people who are pre- Saturn Return?  How will Pluto in Aquarius impact me, and from another listener, When will my Pluto transit actually kill me?

392: Horoscope - New Moon in Capricorn and a Murky Mercury Square to Neptune

We have our first Full Moon of 2024 on January 11th, and it will bring powerful energies for change along with it. Unfortunately, we also have a messy, anxiety-producing square between Mercury and Neptune. Jessica explains what to expect and how to best navigate the transits of this week on another episode of Ghost.