311: OCD

A listener with an OCD diagnosis has begun to experience long-dormant, invasive thoughts. She joins Jessica for an extra layer of insight into the nature of her thinking and how to support her mental health. 

Note: Jessica is an astrologer and not a psychologist or therapist. If you are having a mental health crisis, please seek mental health support ♥️.

310: Horoscope - Mercury Conjunct Chiron and Jupiter + Venus meets Uranus!

Jessica touches on Saturn and Pluto's ingresses and her April 16th class on the Moon. She also gives a refresher on conjunctions in preparation for this conjunction-heavy week! Mercury meets up with Chiron and Jupiter in assertive Aries at the start of the week, and then an unpredictable Venus conjunction to Uranus lands at the end of it. Luckily, a trine between Mars and reliable Saturn will stabilize things a bit.

309: Torrey DeVitto!

Actress, advocate, and philanthropist, Torrey DeVitto, joins Jessica on Ghost for a reading about love, family, and finding her way on her terms. This is a reading that you don't want to miss!

308: Horoscope - New Moon in Aries + Pluto in Aquarius!

There's a New Moon in Aries on the 21st! Jessica offers tools for coping with it's challenges and opportunities. On the 23rd of March, Pluto enters into Aquarius, and Jessica breaks down what it means and how we can harness its energy to change the world! 

307: Parenting My Non-Binary Child

A mother who, in her youth, experienced challenges when she came out as bisexual, strives to work through triggers around her child coming out as non-binary. She and Jessica talk over-correction and communication in parenting.

306: Horoscope - Neptune, Mars, Mercury and the Sun Mishegas (+ Pluto)!

This is a horoscope you don't want to miss! First, Jessica touches on the upcoming Pluto in Aquarius and ongoing Uranus in Taurus. Then she unpacks the hectic cluster of transits to Neptune and Pluto in store for this week—heavily featuring Mars, Mercury, the Sun, and Venus. 

305: Was I In A Cult?

Anna joins Jessica to talk about her tendency to look to leaders for overly simple answers about life. They explore her Saturn in Pisces and the power in trusting the teacher within. 

304: Horoscope - Full Moon in Virgo & Saturn Enters Pisces!

This week's horoscope is busy! On the 7th we have a passionate Full Moon in Virgo, and Saturn moves into dreamy Pisces; Jessica goes in-depth on both! On the 11th Jupiter and Chiron meet in Aries, bringing up big opportunities for healing. We have several supportive sextiles throughout the week that will egg us on in the best of ways.

303: I Hate Being A Mother

Angela is the mother of an 11 year-old who she absolutely loves, but she doesn't love being a mother. She and Jessica have a frank and vulnerable conversation about a taboo topic—how it feels to strongly dislike something that you're supposed to love.

302: Horoscope - So Many Conjunctions!

Jessica talks a bit about the major astrological shifts happening in March and how we can prepare ourselves for it. This week's horoscope is full of conjunctions! Venus sits on top of Jupiter and then Chiron, and sandwiched in between those transits, we have a Mercury conjunction to Saturn. Come for the astrology, stay for the practical life advice.

301: Transforming Intergenerational Pain

💖 Announcement: Ghost now comes out twice a week! Readings like this one will be published every Wednesday and tune in Sundays for your weekly horoscope, same as always ♥️.

After the loss of her beloved aunt, Imani grapples with the legacy of inherited trauma between her grandmother, her mother, and herself. 

300: Learning from Love + Horoscope

📢 Announcement: Ghost is changing! You'll get the same stellar content, but, as of Feb. 22nd, you'll get 2 episodes per week: The reading will drop on Wednesdays, and your horoscope will be published at the same time & place on Sundays 🎉🎉👻!

Billie joins Jessica to unpack why she's so attracted to men who love guns. Jessica points to themes in Billie's birth chart around the projected embodiment of her Mars. They talk patterns in love and how to break them. 

On the 19th there will be a consequential New Moon in Pisces, featuring a heavy conjunction from Saturn. The rest of the week is chock full o' Mercury transits, including a Mercury square to Uranus that will keep you on your toes!

299: Venus, Unaspected + Horoscope

 📣 Announcement: Ghost is changing! You'll get the same stellar content, but, as of Feb. 22nd, you'll get 2 episodes per week: The reading will drop on Wednesdays, and your horoscope will be published at the same time & place on Sundays. PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE & SMOKE IT 💨

Jared joins Jessica to talk about love and why they're attracted to emotionally unavailable people. Their unaspected Venus plays large in their conversation. 

Love is in the stars this week - just ask Venus + Neptune! Our horoscope includes some tricky conjunctions to Neptune and Saturn, a supportive sextile and a step into what promises to be an eventful Pisces Season. 

298: Acceptance of Self + Horoscope

📣 Big announcement: Ghost is changing! You'll get the same stellar content, but, as of Feb. 22nd, you'll get 2 episodes per week! The reading will drop on Wednesdays, and your horoscope will be published at the same time & place on Sundays. PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE & SMOKE IT 💨 

Stripsaree joins Jessica to talk about enduring conflict in all types of relationships. They explore how acceptance of what is lights the path ahead. 

This week kicks off with an unpredictable Full Moon in always-extra Leo! There are a bunch of sextiles to support us through the week, but a confronting Mercury conjunction to Pluto is going to keep us on our toes. 

297: Fixed Energy + Horoscope

Monique really wants to understand her own impatience, while her boyfriend lacks a sense of urgency in all things. Jessica delves into their differences and details how Monique can transform what feels like a liability into a guide for healing.This week's horoscope touches on big-picture themes in the stars and then unpacks what we can expect as we enter a new month. Come for the magic; stay for the practical life advice.

296: Enlightenment + Horoscope

A listener in her 2nd Saturn Return wants to know why all her spiritual work hasn't paid off. What's the e.t.a. on reaching enlightenment? Jessica talks cycles over destinations.

Jessica discusses the retroshades and our forthcoming move into Saturn in Pisces before detailing this week's forecast. We've got a challenging Venus conjunction to Saturn, and Mercury square to Chiron makes a reappearance. Come for the data; stay to help yourself.

295: Horoscope!

The astrology of this week is intense, but Jessica has got you covered: Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct. The Sun forms a transformational aspect to Pluto, and its effects are drawn out into the Aquarius New Moon on the 21st. 

294: How To Trust + Horoscope

A listener wants to forge trust in herself. She joins Jessica to find out why she trusts Jessica's take more than her own. They talk about the long-term road to fostering trust in oneself. 

This week's horoscope offers lots of gifts in the form of harmonious transits but also a couple of challenging ones. Between Chiron and Uranus, there are likely to be upsets to contend with, but happily, Mars goes station direct on the 12th, making that one less retrograde to deal with. Astrology for real life!

293: A Witch's Familiar + Horoscope

Tahnee and their cat Baz join Jessica for a heartfelt conversation about their life together, whether they have a shared future, and what can be done to improve their relationship.

The first week of 2023 starts off with a bang! We're still feeling the effects of the Venus conjunction to Pluto and have a Full Moon in Cancer, plus a Sun square to Chiron to contend with. Luckily, there are supportive transits peppered through the week to help us out.

2023 Year Ahead Horoscope

Tune in to this in-depth look at astrology for 2023!

Jessica starts off by breaking down the year's retrogrades, what they mean and when they'll happen. She explores the transit of Saturn in Pisces and the implications of having Neptune and Saturn both in Pisces.

She unpacks the continued Pluto Return of the United States and what we can expect from Pluto moving into Aquarius. She also explores the Chiron Return of the United States, which begins in June of 2023. Jessica unravels the transits of Jupiter and talks more about Uranus in Taurus. She ends her detailed take by discussing the Eclipses.

This is the year-ahead breakdown that you don't want to miss!