475: Witchy Woo Questions

The veil is thin! In honor of Halloween, Jessica shares her experience as a medium and answers lots of questions on this week's podcast, all on the topic of witchy, ghost-y, and woo-y things

474: Horoscope - New Moon in Scorpio + Major Drama in the Stars

This week Jessica speaks on the upcoming US Presidential Election, the Mars opposition to Pluto, and other big-picture issues before diving into your horoscope. There will be challenging transits to Uranus and Saturn, and supportive ones from Mercury and Jupiter in addition to the intense New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st.

473: Emotionally Unfit at 50

An over-50 listener has considered the Lanyadoo conviction that working hard on yourself is key leading up to one's 40s and 50s. However, she hasn't done this, so now what? Jessica helps her find her starting place.

472: Horoscope - Sun Square Pluto and the Support You Need to Navigate It

This week has three important transits — a challenging one sandwiched between two supportive ones. Jessica helps you make the most of it.

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471: Love the Taste, Hate the Feeling

A listener finds herself holding onto a lot of bitterness and often feels that things are "unfair" or that she is being unfairly treated, regardless of whether or not that's true. She tends toward a negative perspective on other people's motives. And she wants to be free from it! Jessica dives in and exemplifies how to accept and work with her nature.

470: Horoscope - Lots of Chiron + Mars Retroshade

Mars doesn't go retrograde until December 26th, but its retroshade began last week! Jessica explores how to navigate it as well as the rest of the week's transits. Be on the lookout out for healing opportunities, as Chiron features heavily in this week's horoscope.

469: How to Shift From Hatred to Neutrality?

Jane's relationship with her ex and co-parent is the most challenging relationship in her life—and it's a permanent one. She wants to know how to shift her heart from hatred to neutrality. Jessica leads her on a journey within in this very vulnerable reading.

🎫 Join me for a virtual Fireside Chat on October 6th! Register here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/lovelanyadoo/1404115

468: Horoscope - Solar Eclipse in Libra

It's that time of year—the solar eclipse is upon us! This powerful moment invites us to address justice in the world as well as personal evolution and authenticity. Tune in for Jessica's read on this week in the stars.

🎫 Join me for a virtual Fireside Chat on October 6th! Register here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/lovelanyadoo/1404115

467: Participating In My Own Harm

In an emotionally toxic relationship dynamic with her husband, Sophie wants to explore her own participation. Her cis white male partner is emotionally domineering; is she bolstering the very white supremacy culture that she wishes to dismantle by enabling his behavior? Is their marriage salvageable? Jessica offers constructive steps for moving beyond the cycle of harm.

🎫 Join me for a virtual Fireside Chat on October 6th! Register here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/lovelanyadoo/1404115

466: Horoscope - Relationship Triggers + Eclipse-Fueled Evolution

This week's astrology is likely to trigger your relationships! Venus forms a square to Pluto at the start of the week, triggering intense emotions and fixations. With four stimulating transits to Mercury, there's just going to be a lot of opinions and stories circulating. Join me for a virtual Fireside Chat on October 6th! Register here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/lovelanyadoo/1404115

465: Bad Player in Social Drama

A listener with a ton of fire energy in her chart wonders why those energies don't seem to heat up in social situations. She struggles with authenticity, often feels too exposed, and wonders how to better show up as herself with friends and family. Jessica reveals her to herself in fresh ways.

464: Horoscope - Lunar Eclipse in Pisces + A Busy Week in the Stars

A week of oppositions means that you'd better watch out for relationship drama! The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th is an opportunity for big growth, but there are several pitfalls to be weary of. Tune in for an essential episode of Ghost!

463: I'm Psychic – So What?

Megan gets psychic downloads, and sometimes it's a bit scary, while others she worries about being a know-it-all. How do you respect spiritual boundaries and honor this energetic gift while staying grounded? Tune in, and find out!

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462: Horoscope - Pre-Eclipse + Some Supportive Transits

Jessica gets you ready for next week's Lunar Eclipse in Pisces and discusses the three supportive transits happening this week - and how to make the most of them!

461: Will Inadequacy Haunt Me Forever?

Coco Baby feels haunted by a persisting sense of inadequacy in life, career, and her own role in society. She often leans on her addictions when the feelings arise, so she joins Jessica to explore how she can foster a sense of self, independent of unhealthy coping mechanisms.

460: Horoscope - Pluto in Capricorn, A New Moon in Virgo, 2 Squares, a Trine ...

On the 1st Pluto moves back into Capricorn for the last time for another 250 years! On the 2nd, there will be a consequential New Moon in Virgo, overlapping with a Mars square to Neptune and a trine between Chiron and Mercury. By the end of the week, things get bumpy with a Mercury square to Uranus and Sun opposition to Saturn. Jessica explains what to expect and how to make the most of it!

459: So Many Questions!

Where is the line between being tuned to signs and being delulu? How do you prepare for outer planet transit without spiraling? If a planet is in fall or detriment, does that mean you can’t reach alignment? Will aligning with your North Nodes purpose actually lead to the end of your life? Tune in to this week's episode where Jessica answers so many questions!

458: Horoscope - Two Trines & An Opposition

Mercury Retrograde ends this week! Plus Venus trines Uranus, opposes Neptune and trines Pluto in a week that will test your values and your relationships - but also give you the tools to work with them.

457: Too Many Transits!

When so many transits are happening all at once, how does one parse through all the different energies and identify what's what? A listener joins Jessica to investigate numerous transits and the impact they're having individually and in concert.

456: Horoscope - Full Moon in Aquarius + a Busy and Chaotic Week in Astrology

The astrology of this week is all over the place, and you're likely to be feeling it! Uranus is at the center of several transit, including the Full Moon in Aquarius. This is an episode you don’t want to miss!

🎫 Register for Witches Confluence here: https://modernwitchesconfluence.regfox.com/witches-confluence-spiritual-activism

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