271: Sex and Love Part 2 + Horoscope

In episode 66 (aired September 2019) Jessica answered a listener question about sex and love, and today she gives a follow-up reading to "Anonymous 66" about her ongoing dating patterns and how she can find what she's looking for in love.

There's a lot going on in this week's horoscope! On the 11th there will be an unpredictable Full Moon in Aquarius, but before that, prepare for a tumultuous Venus opposition to Pluto and a frustrating Mars square to Saturn.

270: Lindsay Mack! + Horoscope

Lindsay Mack of Tarot for the Wild Soul joins Jessica to get a reading about their chronic and postpartum health issues. They discuss the links between childbirth and childhood trauma, boundaries, and letting go.

From the Uranus, Mars, North Node conjunction to some supportive sextiles and a Venus square Chiron, the astrology of this week is topsy turvy but packed with potential.

269: Saturn Return in Aquarius + Horoscope
268: Sara Benincasa! + Astrology

Sara Benincasa of Well, This Isn't Normal Podcast joins Jessica to talk about chronic loneliness. They go deep into the gifts of Neptune transits and the power of knowing oneself.

This week's horoscope features some hard Pluto transits, but don't worry — there are plenty of supportive transits at the start and end of the week to help us all through.

267: Stardust + Horoscope

Jessica talks to a listener about familial pressure to have a baby. Then the reading takes a turn when the listener's late father comes through to weigh in that topic and many others.

What do a Full Moon in Capricorn, an overwhelming Venus square to Neptune, and a Mercury square to Chiron have in common? They're all in this week's horoscope!

266: Projections + Horoscope

A listener wants to know why older women seem triggered by her. Jessica points her toward the projected form of the birth chart.

The horoscope starts off with lingering effects of the Mercury square to Neptune and continues to feature Mercury throughout the week. Get ready for lots of Chiron activity to spark opportunities for healing.

265: RIP Roe + Horoscope

Reproductive justice activist, Rev Erika Forbes, joins Jessica to discuss Erika's personal journey as an activist, the chart of Roe v. Wade, and the chart of Roe being struck down. Using astrology as a jumping-off point, they explore activist strategies for moving forward. To learn more and support the work, find Erika at reproductivejusticepostroe.com + envisionjustice.com

Your horoscope this week is as eventful as you may expect: we've got an emotional New Moon in Cancer, a powerful Mars square to Pluto, and an anxiety-provoking Mercury square to Neptune. Luckily, Jupiter is in the mix, helping us through.

264: Tangled Fears + Horoscope

A listener joins Jessica to unravel the confusion of functioning as a parent in these turbulent, rapidly changing times.

Get into some big-picture astrology, from the Pluto return to Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Aries. Some bright horizons in this week's horoscope include an earthy Venus trine Pluto and a Mercury sextile Jupiter.

263: Feelings + Horoscope

When she was 15, a listener's father suddenly died, and in her grief and pain, she was heavily medicated to help her cope. Now in her 20s, she's off the meds and able to feel all of her feelings but still not entirely sure how to access and experience her grief.

Strap in: on the 14th there will be a Full Moon in spontaneous Sagittarius, and on the 15th, a powerful Mars conjunction to Chiron. By the week's end Saturn and Neptune will make some noise, too. Astrology that cuts through the chaos!

262: Relationship Sex + Horoscope

A listener joins Jessica to talk about the lack of sex and intimacy in her long-term relationship.

Your horoscope this week has two "easy" transits and a disruptive conjunction between Venus and Uranus

261: Party Problems + Horoscope

Sometimes anxiety is a nudge to avoid something, and sometimes it's just anxiety. Marija joins Jessica to talk about the thing she loves and hates at the same time: partying.

There's a New Moon in Gemini, and Mercury Retrograde ends this week! Come for the astrology; stay for the astrology.

260: Boundaries for Introverts + Horoscope

At 71, Kat is at a crossroads: should she allow herself to go deep into her introverted nature or challenge herself to cultivate close relationships?

In your horoscope this week, Jessica touches on the consequential Pluto Return again! Your Mercury retrograde week is filled with sextiles and an intense square between relational Venus and transformational Pluto.

259: Money Woo + Horoscope

Danielle from templeofearthapothecary.com joins Jessica to talk about her spiritual blocks around making and holding onto money. Come for the woo, stay for the life-changing advice!

The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio kicks off this week's astrology report, and it's a roller coaster from there! A Sun square to Saturn will bring us down, while a Mars conjunction to Neptune will add confusion to the mix. We also shift into Gemini season. Weeeeeeeeee!

258: Rage + Horoscope

"Born Ragey" joins Jessica to talk about how to cope with anger when it's all too present.

This week Mercury goes Retrograde, Jupiter moves into Aries, and we're almost at the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio—what could possibly go wrong?!

257: Cheating + Horoscope

Can a listener who's cheated on every past partner change her ways? Jessica unpacks the underlying issues and shines light on a new path.

The astrology of this week is full of sextiles, offering some much-needed relief from the intensity of last week's Eclipse. Potential for love and high energy abounds!

256: Doug the Pug + Horoscope

Jessica chats with Doug the Pug, a dog beloved by millions, his human companion, Leslie Mosier, and her two cats, Fiona and Teddy.

The astrology of this week is all over the place! There will be several Mercury transits—including Mercury moving into its shadow period, leading up to the May 10th retrograde. Saturn will make us feel low, and then Neptune will raise us up, while emotions will run wild due to the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 30th. Get your horoscope so you can make the most of this energy.

255: Neurodivergence + Horoscope

Cat wrote in to ask, as a neurodivergent person, where she might find her learning style in her birth chart.

The astrology of this week comes with highs and lows. Emotions are likely to be intense, thanks to the upcoming Solar Eclipse, and Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus are all active in our current horoscope. Gain inspiration, strategy, and insights from this week's episode!

254: Smoking Weed + Horoscope

Jessica talks with guest Yael about her relationship to weed and ayahuasca. They discuss healing, habit, and how to choose hard things.

Welcome to your Full Moon in Libra horoscope! This week Jupiter and Neptune form an exact conjunction, and Mercury and Pluto clash. It's time to confront difficult truths and release what isn't serving you.

253: Bunny Michael! + Horoscope

This week Jessica gives a reading to the inspirational artist, spiritual coach, and podcaster, Bunny Michael!

Fast-paced Mars and methodical Saturn meet up for a tense conjunction at the start of the week! Jessica explains the Jupiter conjunction to Neptune in Pisces and how to best handle it. Come for the astrology, stay for the practical life advice.

🪐 🪴 Register for Plants + Planets: Boundary Dwellers here: https://www.lovelanyadoo.com/shop/plants-planets-boundary-allies-webinar

252: Problems With Authority + Horoscope

A listener wants to know how to cure her resentments of authority. Jessica points her towards the path of acceptance.

This week is full of conjunctions! From a New Moon in Aries to conjunctions to Saturn and Chiron, this week is all about perspective and agency.

🪐 🪴 Register for Plants + Planets: Boundary Dwellers here: https://www.lovelanyadoo.com/shop/plants-planets-boundary-allies-webinar